They Don't Know About Us( A Niall Horan Imagine )

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I have gotten so many reads!! Thank you guys so much!! Remember to vote and comment too!!!

This imagine is for Maya (MayaLalovic) ) I'm so so sorry it took me this long to write it bit school and drama have gotten in the way a lot!! I hope you like it!! I adjusted the idea a bit sry but I kinda wanted to make it more unique..


Niall's P.O.V.

" Niall it's for the best, better for you, better for me, better for us... Goodbye."

Before I could say anything she was out the door. My girlfriend just broke up with me and I have no idea why. I know I need to get her back, I need her. But, first, I need to know why she broke up with me.

THE BOYS!!!! Yes, I'll call the boys, they can help me find out what happened!!

When the boys got here they all started to look for clues why she left. Zayn checked the bathroom, Harry and Lou in the bedroom Liam in the living room, and I checked the kitchen. After about 5 minutes

Zayn called out that he found something, so did Liam. We all met where I was in the kitchen.

" Guys I found something, and it's not a good sign" Zayn said holding something behind him.

"Show us," was all I said and what he pulled from behind his back left me in total shock. It was a pack of razor blades and a bloody razor indicating she had recently cut. Then, Liam held up what he found. The laptop Maya, my now ex-girlfriend and I used to share. Twitter was up, her account, and all it had was hate. Hate, hate, and more hate. I couldn't believe it, it's all coming together now.......

She had been cutting because of the hate and when it finally got too much, she broke up with me to get away from it.

"That's why.., oh my god, no, no, no, no!!!!!!!"

" Niall, calm down, it'll be okay. We will get her back" Liam said being the sensible one he is.

" HOW CAN I CALM DOWN WHEN I JUST FOUND OUT MY GIRLFRIEND HAS BEEN HARMING HERSELF BECAUSE OF HATE DUE TO ME!!!??? HUH? HOW AM I GONNA BE CALM?!!" I just freaked out on Liam and the boys but I don't mean to be like this I'm just so frustrated!! I need her back soon!!!

I just broke down in tears, sobbing in the middle of all of the boys when I decided to man up and get my princess back.

I stepped back and said," Guys, I need a plan to get Maya back, and I need your help."

We all thought for a while when I decided on something, I first need to make sure this will stop, so I decided to tweet something to make it stop right away.

" NiallOfficial: Everyone sending hate to Maya needs to stop now! If any of you were in her position you wouldn't want hate sent to u so stop now!!"

"NiallOfficial: if you thing sending hate to Maya will make me want you or love you more, than you're crazy, I love Maya and that's that!!"

I sent out 2 tweets telling people to stop, hopefully it will....

I checked her twitter that was still up and instead of hate it was all nice, loving things. Now all I had to do was find my princess..

I went to the first place I knew she'd be, the place where we first met. It was a field In the northern mountains, about 20 minutes away from where we lived. I immediately grabbed the boys to go there, but I didn't even have a plan..

By the time we got there I had a plan in place and a high determination to win Maya back.

As we walked into the field I saw what I had expected to see, Maya was laying in the middle of the field on a blanket just watching the sunset. I motioned for the boys to stay behind me and follow me to her. When we got close enough, I positioned the guitar in my hands and started to sing, the boys backing me up,

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