Harry Styles Imagine (Fight)

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OMG!!!!!!! I AM SO SO SO SO SO SO SOOOOOOOO SORRY FOR NOT POSTING IN THREE MONTHS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've been so busy with school and theater and NJHS! Also I had a bad case of writers block!!! School has been a pain and I have MORE state testing this week!!!!!!! To the girl I owean image I am SO deeply sorry I haven't gotten to write it, I had ran out of ideas!!!! PLEASE FORGIVE ME!!!!!!!! I will try to post a but but it's 1:30 am right now and I am so tired!!!!!

And to anyone that reads, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!! I appreciate all of the reads and votes I get!!!! Almost 8k reads so I love you all!!!!!!! It means a lot and I hope y'all forgive me for not writing the past few months!!!!!!



You hear the door slam downstairs and mutter to yourself, "He must've come home drunk again." Lately, Harry had been being a bit more distant. Coming home drunk every night, staying out till 4am, and not even bothering to acknowledge your presence. Quite frankly you thought he was cheating you but you had no idea what you did to deserve this.

All of the sudden, Harry cane bursting into the room, got a towel to go shower and left. Still never saw you, you couldn't take it anymore, it was killing you and you needed to get away from this. You love Harry to death and would do anything for him, but he needs to stop the way he is acting.

After a while the water stopped and Harry walked in in his boxers. "Harry, we need to talk," you say but he ignores you so you go to stand in front of him. "We need to talk," you said for the second time. " Just leave me alone" "No I won't, I want to talk to you. Why are you acting line this?" "Acting like what?" "You're acting like a jerk and ignoring me." "ME? AT LEAST IM NOT A FAT BITCH!!!! JUST GIVE MY SOME SPACE, UGHH YOU'RE SO CLINGY!!!!!!!" You can't even process what he just said before you feel a sting on your cheek. Harry just slapped you. Why would he do that.. You just snapped. "GET OUT OF THIS HOUSE NOW!!!!!!!!!!! PACK YOUR THINGS AND LEAVE, IM DONE DEALING WITH YOUR BULLSHIT, GOOO!!!!!!!!!!" Harry mumbled something, got his keys and left.

You don't even know what just happened but you could feel tears streaming down your face so you layed down on your bed. The fight was a blur right now but all that was replaying in your head was Harry calling you a fat bitch and clingy. He KNEW you were always sensitive when it came to your weight because you were always bullied for not being stick thin, and the hate from the fans didn't help either. You just layed there and cried all night until you fell asleep.

When morning came you had a headache from all of your crying so you decided to go downstairs and get some medicine. Before you got up you noticed a note on the pillow next to you. 'Y/N, follow the rose pedals to find me.. Harry xx' You didn't know what to do so you followed the pedals to the patio out back. Turns out Harry had come home last night. After what he said you didn't expect him too, but he still has a lot if explaining to do.

You sat down and looked around, no Harry. 'where is he?' you thought. Then you felt a pair of hands cover your eyes, you weren't really sure how to act so you just said hello. "Hi babe. I need to do some explaining, don't I," "You sure do. First start by telling me why you were d

Being such a dick the past week?" "Well, we have been doing a lot of stuff lately at the studio and getting ready for promotions and they have been riding our asses. I guess I just took my stress and anger out on you without even realizing it. I know that everything I said to you last night was wrong, and there is no excuses for that but, I want you to know that I'm so sorry and I think you're perfect the way you are and you are so not clingy at all. I love you so so much, please forgive me!" "Harry, I just gave one question for you, did you cheat on me at all this past week?" He was shocked that you asked that. "WHAT?? OF COURSE NOT!!!!!!! I would NEVER cheat on you no matter the problem, I would never want to hurt you and I am so so sorry for hurting you last night I was way out of line!!!" "Okay good I was just making sure, and I do forgive you for everything, but please, next time you're stressed or angry, come to me I can talk about it with you and make you feel better." you gave him a reassuring smile. "I will, thank you so much Y/N, I love you so much!!" "I love you too Harry" you two shared a passionate kiss and Harry showed all of his love for you through it. "Come on love, I made us breakfast." And after breakfast he spent the whole day trying to make it up to you.



THANK YOU ALL FOR READING!!!!!! I appreciate it and please vote and fan!!!!!!!!!!

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