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"Hi this is McDonald's! What's your-"

"Wow Guk your voice is different. "

"Sir? You must've been mistaken and called the wrong number."

"Yeah, no shit Jeongguk."

"No shit sir. This is Mingyu,Jeongguk took a week off for his finals, so I'm covering for his shift. Now what would you like to order sir?"

"He didn't even tell me."


"Huh? Oh yeah- one filet-O-fish and a medium banana smoothie."

"That will be $6.68, where will this be delivered, sir?"

"35 South street Apartment 27."

"Okay sir, your order will be there in 30 minutes, have a nice day."

"Yeah, thanks."

Taehyung's POV

Nope, totally not. I was hoping to hear Guk's voice and have a chat, tsk that little ass didn't even say anything.


Lol short update

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