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Chapter 1
Changed up the movie just a bit. Just a heads up. 😁

Beca POV.
I sat in the car as my mother smothers my older sister Bella. She has always liked her more then me. I guess I look more as my dad then her. I'm way more shyly then Bella, I do think I have maybe better fashion sense then her. But back to my mom not liking me.

I have always been a daddys girl, so that could be the reason why she doesn't like me that much. I'm fine with it. I don't like being watched that much. If that makes sense. Moms more worried about Bella then me. She watches her a lot and not me and that is happy. The only annoying thing is, if you fuck up, she is on it very fast. I got grounded a lot.

We are finally able to go see dad since mom is going with our step dad. She would have stayed home, but I wanted to see dad and Bella and I didn't want her to stay with us since we both knew she would feel sad about not being with him.

Bello got in the car with her cactus in hand. I placed my head phones on my head and opened my book and started reading were I left off at.

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My bag has almost everything I need

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My bag has almost everything I need. I still need to get matches, lighter, pocket knifes, aid kit, flash light, a extra sweater, pants, a water and a snack like a granola bar in it. I'm to younge to get a good pocket knife at a store, so I have to wait until I'm older to get one myself.

But my dad said that he had a old pocket knife hanging around the house that I could have. He also said that he got me the other stuff too. He said it's for being prepared for anything and everything. I think it made him happy to know that I wanted to be safe, he was happy to pay for my defense classes, classes that I wanted to take, not like ballet. I took it for three years until I finally got mom to switch both ballet and hip hop classes to defense classes and archery classes. I love them. I think I'm great with Archery.

I talked to dad almost everyday. Some days we can't talk since he is a cop and the odd times he works. I think we talk more then I talk to my mom. She is more babying and praising Bella. I really don't care. It is quite easy to sneak out of the house if she isn't babying you.

After the drive to the airport and mom saying good bye to Bella and me, but more Bella then me. We got onto the plane.

"Ok so you know the rules?" Bella asks.

I roll my eyes. Her stupid rules.
1. Don't talk to her.
2. Don't bother her.
3. Don't even breath by her.
4. If people asks if we know each other, or if we are related. We are not.
5. If any hot guy comes by act like we dont know each other...

Even though 4 and 5 sound similar.

6. If she asks for somthing I have to get it for her.
7. If mom calls don't bother her, or she will tell mom. And mom will get mad at me.
8. Don't hang out with her friends or be close to her friends.
9. Stay out of her room.
10. Don't be annoying.

There are more but that will go on and on.

I roll my eyes again and nod my head. "Yes, Bella I know the 'rules'". I lay back in the chair and looked out the window. I place my music on and played my Melanie Martinez play list.

I open my book back open it.

Time skip.

After reading for 2 hours I end up falling asleep the rest of the way there. Bella woke me up by hitting her bag at my face. We got up and left the plane after grabbing my bag. I rushed past my sister and went looking for dad.

He was standing awkwardly with a cardboard with our names written on it. He smiled when he saw me, I rushed into his arms and hug him tightly to him. "I missed you dad" I said out. "I missed you too Pumpkin" he said.

Bella awkwardly walked up to us looking annoyed. Her arms crossed over her chest.

"Its nice to see you too Isabella" dad said. "Its Bella, just Bella" she said in her bitchy tone. I roll my eyes. "Well just Bella we should go find our bags" I said. "Harry Potter, right?" Dad asks.

I smile up at him, I try to make a lot of book and movie quotes. "Yep, first book and of course movie" I said. Bella rolled her eyes. We walk off with dad following us.

Time skip.
Third person POV.
Cullen house hold.

"What do you mean you don't know what it means?" Edward yelled out.
"You've been having vision of her for 6 months now, always the same girl. What are you not telling us, or not letting me see?" Edward asks his adopted sister Alice. All Alice did was smile and skip away to find her mate Chase.
Edward gets mad and punches the wall behind him. Hes getting more angry, sad, depressed, anxious for waiting for his mate to come. Same as Emmett and Jasper. Right away, they met and saw there mates name on their bodies. They knew that they had to share her. They have been waiting for the longest time for them to show up or be found by any of them.

"Alice!" "Tell us what the vision mean?" Edward yelled out. He ran to the room Alice was in.

"I can't brother. You just have to let it happen. Trust me when I say you will be happy that I didn't tell you anything" she said skipping away with Chase behind her.

Edward groans in annoyance and walked to his room and sat down and thought of what he saw from Alice vision. Just a small vision.

A girl with brown hair, walking into the school parking lot. And that's it. He has seen the same girl in Alice vision for 6 months. And it is bugging him that he hasn't found out anything about her.

Beca POV.
I sat on my bed in the attic. It was semi empty. Dad said that I could do anything with it. And that's what I'm going to do.... just not today. Maybe tomorrow after school.

Hope you like it.
Sorry for bad grammar or spelling errors.

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