Chapter 4 Adorable

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Chapter 4

Beca POV.
I walked down the hallway again with Jade beside me. My mind was on the fact that I just found my mates. And they are almost all related, oh also it looked like Bella was intrested and now I can't do anything about it.

Her stupid rules.

11. ... I think it's 11 it could be 14 or somthing I don't know she has so many. Let's just call it 11... for now.

11. If she likes a guy, their hers.

It never happen until now. At least nothing has happen and I'm not a 100% sure if she does like them. But if she does then I'm fucked. It's not like I can do anything for both sides. 1 side is that they are my mates, and now I can feel the bond that is pulling and burning when I'm close to them. And I know that I'm not rejecting them, I'm going to accept them.... only if they accept me.

The 2nd half is that Bella will kill me if I even get close to them. She would make my life a living hell.... well some how more ss it is right now. She would probably end up like mean girls. She could end up dying my hair, put mayonnaise in my toothpaste, or so much worse...

"Beca, hey Beca. Beca are you here?" Jade said. She waved her hand in front of my face. "What? Sorry what were you saying?" I asks. "I was just saying that this is your Art Class. I'll meet you here after class to show you to your next class" she said.

I nodd my head and she smiled and walked away. I walked into my new class and walked to the old lady sitting at the table. "Hello Miss Swan, it is nice to finally meet you. I'm Mrs. Jackson your art teacher" Mrs. Jackson said. I smiled and nodded my head, "Hello Mrs. Jackson I'm Beca... but you already new that" I said.

She smiled, "Please pass me the paper so I can sign it for you" she said. I passed her the paper and she signed it with red ink. She passed it back, "You can take your seat by Mr. Cullen over there at the back" Mrs, Jackson said.

I stopped and nodded my head slowly. I turn around and kept my eyes on my paper as I walked swiftly to the back of the room. I took my seat and placed my bag in between my feet. I folded my paper back up and placed it in my bag before placing my drawing book onto the table.

Third person POV.

Emmet sat at the back of his third class with his mind only on one thing. Is mate. He basically met his mate... only thing is that he has never talked to her.... yet.

But hearing her voice was already hooked on her. He could stop thinking of her. He new that she new that they are mates, her heart speed up and her breath got cought in her throught when her friend mentioned their names, or the way she acted when Mrs. Jackson told her to go sit by him. Her heart speed up and she couldn't stop looking at the paper. She was slightly shaking and her breathing was slightly heavier then before she new he was in the room.

When she sat down beside him, all he could smell was her hair and how it smelled like strawberries. Or when she finally looked away from her hands and looked at him with a nervous smile on her face. She looked adorable to him.

"H-hi I'm Beca Swan... I'm new here" she said, she sticked her hand out. Emmett gladly took her hand in his.

"I'm Emmett Cullen, it's very nice to meet you love" he said. Beca blushed and looked down. They slowly pulled their hands away.

 They slowly pulled their hands away

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Even though they didn't want to. Emmett was the one that was more to not let go, but he had to so he wouldn't freak her out. But she also didn't want to let go. She wanted to keep on holding his hand. It was comfortable and cold. And she is the only teenager Swan that likes the cold.

She loves the cold. She loves when it rains, she love big storms with alot of thunder and lightning.

"Ok class today is going to be an east day where you can draw anything you want. But it has to have to have shading in it" Mrs. Jackson said.

Beca opened up her book full ready drawer on paper. She was almost done the book. She flipped it to a page that she was already working on Emmett followed suit and open his book.

"So how are you liking the school so far?" Emmett asks. Beca looked back to him still nervous, she could feel the pull towards him and all she wanted to do was wrap her arms around him.... but that would be weird.

.... well.... not to him, but to everyone else. They just met and her arms are around Emmett Cullen one of the most popular teens at school.

"Uhh... I guess good" she said, "it's going great.... I guess" she added on. Emmett laughed and smiled at her. She was so awkward and cute it was very adorable to him.

"What?" She asks, Emmett just shook his head and smiled at her, "It's nothing your just very adorable"

Sorry it took me so long to update
Hope you like it.
Sorry for bad grammar or spelling errors.
Request any one shots. This is what I write for.
DC, Marvel, Harry Potter, Twilight, Descendants, Gossip Girl, Riverdale, Supernatural, The Host Cub, Blue Exorcist, The vampire Diaries, Pretty little Liars, Trollhunters, 3 below, Gravity falls, Voltron, Venom, Night at the museum, The hobbit.

X-men, The Avengers, Guardians Of The Galaxy, Dare Devil, Jessica Jones, Ultimate Spiderman, Doctor Strange.
Batman, Superman, Young Justices, Teen Titans.

You can request whatever you want in this list. I will try to get every single on written. I do not judge.
I write x readers. Female x readers. Male x reader.

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