Mystery boys great entrance

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Hello dear readers! Before you continue this book please know there is a rewritten and better version of this book. You should check it out! But if you still want to read this book I understand.

My story is heavily inspired and influenced by Izumi_Haruhiku andVodkaFace69 your mysterion x readers made my heart go uwu

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My story is heavily inspired and influenced by Izumi_Haruhiku andVodkaFace69 your mysterion x readers made my heart go uwu

~•now, our featured presentation•~

    I had just moved into South Park about 3 weeks ago, so far everything is great! Cartmans an ass though- and Craig keeps giving everyone the bird-..and ms.choksondik is a bitch- ok so maybe everything isn't that great. But the girls keep gossiping in the halls about people roaming in the night stopping bad guys. I've never seen any people walking around at night besides myself and joggers. They're probably just making up stuff.

  I walk inside my house only to find a note. 'Dear y/n, your father and i had to leave for a business trip. We'll be gone for about a week. We made sure you had everything you need, i'm only a phone call away if you need me. Lots of love!! —mom'. Looks like I have the place to myself, Sweet.

For the past hour I've just been watching tv and snaccin on cool ranch Doritos. Eventually I got bored and decided to go on a walk. I turned the tv off, grabbed the keys, and walked out. The wind was crisp. I could see my breath, it reminded me of when I was smaller and thought it was the coolest thing in the world. The sun had already set. Bye the looks of it, it should be 7 or 8. Now that I think of it, it I were in danger those 'mystery people' should be able to save me. But who's dumb enough to go out of their way just to see if they're real, and if they aren't- I'd be dead-

  I walked for about another hour. I heard rustling in an alley way. Me being the stupid idiot I am, decided to check it out. I step into the alley only to be greeted by two men. "Hello there pretty girl~" well shit- guess I'll find out now.. "um- it's pretty late. I should be going" I back up a bit only to have one of them grab my arm "your not going anywhere missy" he pulled me closer and held a knife to my throat "let me go!" I yelp. "Be quiet. We don't want you to get in trouble now do we?" What does he mean by that? They're the ones putting me in trouble! The other man starts to take off my f/c hoodie. "Unhand her" a dark brooding voice could be heard from the opening of the alleyway. "And just who might you be?" The man stopped undressing me and went to take care of the boy. As if in an instant the man was on the ground wailing in pain. The other who had a knife to my throat had been shaking slightly. I felt if he trembled anymore the knife was sure to cut me. "This has nothing to do with you boy! Now scram!" The boy cracked his knuckles, ready to fight. "You just 'had' to push it kid" he threw me to the ground. I rubbed my neck to check if he actually did cut me. Thankfully not. But being thrown to the pavement did hurt my back..a lot. All I could do was watch the boy take him down almost effortlessly. Soon enough both men were laying in pain. The boy walked over to me and held his hand out and helped me up. "I was just fine on my own, yknow.." I say as I zip up my hoodie "oh really? 'Cause it didn't look like it" he had a small smirk on his face. I scoff "who are you anyway?" The boy looked up at one of the buildings "names mysterion. I take it you won't need my help getting home. Unless you'd like me to carry you" he smirked "a playboy I see, well I'll have you know that I'll manage just fine on my own thank you." I cross my arms "well then. Au revoir for now" he winks then runs off into the night. I sigh and make my way home

By the time I get home it was like 1 am, I was gone for that long? Sheesh. Time flies fast when your being saved by some boy who wears underwear on the outside. I walk upstairs and plop on my bed. As if almost instantly I fall asleep.

~•time skip•~
Beep beep beep

I sigh as I turn the alarm off. It doesn't take me long to get ready for the day. I put on a new shirt then put my hoodie back on. I put on black pants and slip in my sneakers. I grabbed a piece of toast and made my way over to the bus stop "don't call me fat you fuckin Jew!!" Cartman protested. Of course, Kyle and cartman were already fighting, right on schedule. Stan sighed as he watched the fight continue. Kenny looks over to me "mph mmph mmph!"(hey y/n!) "oh hey ken" I say as I finish up my toast. For some reason that mystery boy pops up in my mind. "Um, hey ken?" He tilts his head like a confused pup "mph?"(yeah?) "do you know anything about hero's roaming at night?" As soon as I said that all 4 boys looked at me "..what? Why are you all looking at me?" Before they could give me an answer, the bus pulled up. We all got on and sat down. I stare out the window wondering why the fuck did they look at me like that. Bebe sits down next to me "hey bebe" I give a small smile as she sits down "hey y/n!" I then remember that they were talking about hero's walking around yesterday "so bebe, what's this hero thing you've been talking about?" Her eyes light up with excitement "I've been waiting for you to ask me this! Ok so there's at least 8 of them. The leader being the coon, which is total bs" I pause her mid sentence "wait there's more than one?" She looked at me confused "yeah? Why?" "Uh, nothing just continue" bebe told me about every hero. Coon, human kite, toolshed, mint berry crunch, Iron Maiden, Tupperware, mosquito, but non of them fit the description of the boy I saw. "You said 8, who's the eighth?"  She thought for a second "oh! That's mysterion. Nobody knows anything about him. They say you're real lucky if he even speaks to you for more than a minute." Hmm, guess that makes me special.

  The rest of the day went pretty normal. Except Kenny was actin a little weird along with cartman, Kyle, Stan, token, Timmy, Clyde, And Bradley. Very odd. They're guys tho so it's probably nothin. I head home and sit on the rooftop with my computer. Sometimes sitting atop helps me think or concentrate. I search up what I can on mysterion. Nothing much. All I could find was a description of what he looked like. 'Mysterion: a young boy with a lavender jumpsuit with a green M on the front. Followed by green gloves and underwear on the outside. He wears brown boots and a deep purple hood that forms into a cape. A green question sits atop his hood. The black mask he wears seems to bring out his piercing icy blue eyes' as I read the description his image came back to me. I couldn't really see his eye color at the time so I can only take their word for it. I hear a small thud behind me. When I turn around I'm greeted by the blue eyes I've just been described. "So you do have icy blue eyes" he chuckles "what?" I close my computer and set it aside. "Well I've been told I was lucky if I could have a minute conversation with you, I tried to find out why and I only got a description of what you look like." I had a small smile appear in my face "what are you doing here anyway? I thought you only helped 'damsels in distress'" I use finger quotes. "Yes well there's nothing yet and I saw you on the roof so I thought I'd say hi" he sat down beside me "alrighty then, by the way. Why do some boys at my school act strange when I bring up supers?" He looked away "that's classified information" I don't see how it'd be classified but it'd be wise not to question his athoritah. "Ok? Well I should probably be getting inside" he nods "Alright, same time tomorrow?" He chuckled "yeah yeah, we'll see if I'm your damsel in distress next time" "we'll see" and with that, he was gone. Even though we met only a day ago, it feels like I've known him for awhile. Guess I'm just a social butterfly. I get back inside and head to sleep dreading that tomorrow is a school day

Word count: 1514 damn, I hope next chapter will be that long

My mystery boy (mysterion x reader) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now