The crush and the crash

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   Today was Sunday. So I don't need to do anything again. This time I woke up at 9am, surprising since I went to bed at 2am. I think I'll spend some time outside. I put on my f/c hoodie, black pants, and slip on my sneakers. I put the keys in my pocket and walk outside. The sky was grey and cloudy almost like it would rain. The sidewalk was moist with puddles. It was a little windy too. This is my favorite weather, it's the soulful weather. I like the grey sky's and small breeze. "Y/n!" I hear kenny run up behind me "hey ken, what are you doing up so early?" His hood was wrapped around his waist "I could ask you the same thing" his smile seemed a little fake today "touche, well I woke up early. By the way did something happen?" He looked a little surprised "what do you mean?" "Well your smile seems off" "ah, well a friend of mine had decided walk off on their own, I offered for them to join a new group I'm in but they declined that too, it left me a little bummed" I patted his back sympatheticly "sorry to hear that, I'm sure they still really care about you" I have him a soft smile "I hope you're right, id hate myself if they didn't like me anymore" who's this person? Why are they so special? Are they more important then our friendship? What am I saying, it sounds like I'm jealous. That's stupid, there's no way I'm jealous. It's not like I like him, I don't like anyone! The only person who'd have a chance at that is most likely mysterion. But I don't even know his real identity, that won't work.

Kenny and I walked for an hour or two talking with each other. He walked me back home "see you at school ken" I smile sweetly. He waved and walked off. I get inside and go upstairs to sit on my bed again. I pull out my computer and see if the mysterion info has been updated. Nothing, still just his description. They added two more photos though. So now there's 3. One of them is the photo bebe and the girls showed me! It's me and him on my roof. Should've expected that. The other one was a closer one that isn't as blurry as the other two. The gap in his teeth was very noticeable, kinda like Kenny's. That's a weird coincidence. I wonder who took that one, probably a fan or something, fangirls are always going on dangerous measures to get dirt on their idols just to feel special. It's ridiculous, like who goes searching for information on their idol just to find dirt?

I put my computer away after watching movies and stuff for like 4 hours. I check the time. "4pm, well that was a slight waste of a Sunday. My phone buzzed 'change of plans again, we might be able to come back tonight or tomorrow night. Can't wait to see you again, love you!' That's the best news I've heard all week! I can't wait to hug mom, she's gonna get the biggest hug of her life!

I spend 5 hours making a welcome back gift for mom. It's a leaf, mom likes to collect leaf carvings. So I made her one, it's not as bad as I expected it to be. I look at the time to see it's 9pm. I get into my costume and start my patrol. I sit on a roof watching the city. Not much happening, just like yesterday. "You're the girl that mysterion told us about!" I turn around to see Tweek? He had a bandana that said 'wonder tweek' he wore a blue shirt and brown gloves, same with his pants and boots. "Tweek what are you doing?" I sound annoyed "um- i am not Tweek! I am wonder tweek!" I sigh "yeah yeah, what do you want" "mysterion told us a lot about you, he's very fond of you. Your sketch right?" I raise an eyebrow "Yeah?" Mysterions fond of me? Does that mean he likes me or something- I gotta confront him about that "um, wonder tweek. You wouldn't happen to know where he is right you?" He nodded and motioned for me to follow.

He led me to a high tech base. "Dr Timothy she's here!" Tweek ran in looking for whoever dr. Timothy is. I stand near the door looking at all the high quality stuff. It's really impressive, way more than coons base. "I thought you didn't want to be a part of freedom pals" mysterion walked up to me "I don't, Tweek dragged me here cuz he said you'd be here" he raised his eyebrows then smirked "so what you're saying is, you missed me?" My face turned a light pink "what??? No!" He had a shit eating grin "then why were you looking for me?" I swear he enjoyed teasing me like this! "I don't know! I just was!" He laughed lightly "so you have a crush on me but you don't know it" before I could answer someone walks up to us. It was Timmy? I should've known, dr. Timothy, I'm dumb. He started to speak with me telepathically 'sketch, I'm glad you stopped by. We were wondering if you wanted to join freedom pals' I sighed "I don't want to join freedom pals, I'm fine on my own" 'but you'll get hurt on your own' that's it, I'm done "just because I'm a girl doesn't mean I'm a damsel in distress, I saved three boys from being killed in a robbery on my first night! I think I'm pretty capable of much more than you think. Good day sir!" I turn and leave.

The rest of the night I sulked in my room. Mystery boy didn't show up..was he right tho..? Do I actually have a crush on him and not know it? I don't think I'd be this sad when he doesn't show up if I didn't have a crush on him...I bet the girls at lunch are gonna talk about him and sketch which will leave me to think about if I actually do like him or not..

~•time skip•~

I fall off my bed as the alarm wakes me up. I groan and get ready for school. "Mmhp mhph mhph!"(hey y/n!) "hey kenny" I rush over to the bus stop. There were small bags under my eyes "mhph mmmph mhph?"(didn't get much sleep huh?) I nod lightly. The bus pulled up and we all got on. I fell asleep most of the ride. Classes were boring as always and lunch was just me contemplating my feelings

I drag myself home so I can sleep. I don't think I'll patrol tonight..since the freedom pals think they're so tough and can beat anything and anyone! They're full off bullshit. I get inside and lay on my bed while I snack on a granola bar. I sleep for at least 3 hours. I got bored and turned on the news. "Two adults get in a car crash and unfortunately don't look like they'll make it. f/n l/n and m/n l/n seemed to be driving home in a hurry, hope that they make it" I stare at the tv as tears roll down my cheeks. I rush outside and go to where the car crash happened. I tried to find them but the police held me back. At this point I was balling and thrashing around trying to get to them. The first aid people walked up to us. "Are they going to be ok?!" I ask in between sobs. The man gave me a sad look and looked down at the ground. I drop to my knees as tears pour from my eyes. "Y/n!" I hear Kenny's voice behind me. He picked me up bridal style and took me away from all of the commotion "are you ok?" I couldn't even give him an answer. He hugged me as I cried into his shoulder. "I never even got to say goodbye.." I sobbed. I kept crying in hi shoulder

He took me back home and hung out with me "do you want me to spend the night?" He held me in his arms, trying to comfort me. I nod lightly. Soon I ended up falling asleep. I'm glad I have someone as sweet as him to comfort me even if it takes time out of his day. That's what a true friend is...oh god..I'm not falling for him too am I??? I can't! I don't want to pick between them, they're both really sweet and caring! Ugh.. maybe I should wait until this feeling passes so I don't actually have to pick. Of course that'd mean I couldn't talk to them or else it'd just get worse.. maybe I should go with Kenny..I've known him longer..but I also want someone who can protect me from danger. Ack! Love is hard..I'll just stay off of love until I'm at least 21 and have learned to get over this whole thing..

My mystery boy (mysterion x reader) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now