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It's been weeks since the incident... it still hurts a lot but Kenny's been helping me a lot. He's stayed with me this whole time making sure I'm ok.. I might actually patrol tonight, if Kenny weren't here there's no way I'd be even up to the thought of patrol. Honestly, I don't deserve it. I know I just lost my parents and all but everyone looses their parents at some point, it was bound to happen eventually. And of course I'm sad! But mom said I'm strong..I know I'm going to be in a foster home but I can make due. I can't just give up because of loss, like Batman! He lost his parents but he grew up to be strong and a great hero! I can do the same, I'm going to make them proud.

  Kenny took me to the foster home, before I went in he gave me a big hug "stay strong Alright?" I laughed lightly "I'll be alright, it'll just take a little more time" I spoke in a soft tone "I'm glad that you can laugh even after what happened, you're strong. I hope you stay that way" he smiled then walked off. A man opened the door "Ah, you must be y/n. Now this house has very strict rules you must follow! We only drink Pepsi, and we are unsure of anything religious. Billy is Christ real?" A little boy in the group of kids looked to the floor and softly spoke "I don't know.." "that's right, now the rooms are separated between boys and girls. You'll be in the girls room. Ladies, show her to her bed" the girls nodded and lead me to a room that was full of beds but looked old and abandoned. The dark wood walls and floors were dusty and looked like they were about to break "you sleep here? It's so horrible! Uh- no offense" one of the girls wiped a part of the wall which left a clean handprint spot. "We know, we can't do anything about it though. And the Pepsi is incredibly unhealthy. We try to live with it, but there's always this guardian angel who appears at night. We have to tell father we don't know if he's real or not but he comes every night to check on us. He's such a sweet man, very caring and tells us it'll be ok." Sounds a lot like mysterion, but also like Kenny. Wait..I'm going to a new school now- I won't be able to see kenny! Gah! And that horrible man won't let him see me! No! This is way worse than I thought!

"Time for bed! Get to your beds, I expect you to be asleep and wake up at 6am to get ready for school" I dragged myself upstairs and sat on my bed. "We don't really fall asleep at 8 pm, our guardian angel appears at 9, we just pretend like were asleep till then. "So its a scheduled thing, you get to the room, you wait an hour, and you talk with him?" The others nodded "what do you know about him?" It's most likely mysterion, but it not maybe I can find more info on him. They told me what they mostly know, it wasn't anything I didn't know. "Ah, he sounds really sweet" they smiled and nodded.

We waited for an hour until we heard a whoosh sound near the window. It was mysterion! "Mysterion!" I whispered "I heard you might've came here. I'm sorry about what happened to you parents" I gave him a hug "it's alright, I try not to think about it too much. How's freedom pals workin out for you?" He raised an eyebrow "I never told you about freedom pals" shit- "I-i have a reliable source" he obviously didn't believe me "uh-huh. Ok, well I came here to check on all of you. I can't stay too long this time, but I promise tomorrow I'll have more time. I have to be looking for someone, goodnight girls" they waved him goodbye and he was off. Looking for someone? Did he mean sketch? Ugh he'll probably say 'join freedom pals!' Or something like that. Maybe I'd give me company and I'll be closer to mysterion.. I grabbed my suit and hid it in my shirt. "Where are you off to?" "Bathroom" I go to the bathroom and got in my suit.

I stood on the roof of a building and looked down at the city. It is rather pretty from this kind of view "hey" I turn around to see dear mystery boy "oh hey" I turn back around and look back down at the city "so you were looking for me?" He raised he eyebrows "how'd you know??" I smiled lightly "I have a reliable source" he smiled too "a friend of mine said that not too long ago" I look over to him "who's the lucky girl?" "I never said it was a girl" I chuckled "well you are quite the dreamboat, I'm sure you get plenty of girls" he grew a smug look "sorry darling, but I've got my heart set on one girl. So you're out of luck" I laughed "well she's pretty lucky then" it honestly kinda hurt hearing him say that. Guess I really am jealous. And Kenny's gone too...everything has gone to shit..what if I can't do it..? Batman was a guy, maybe he had more stability..I bet his only two crushes didn't leave em- ugh! Everything is going wrong... why couldn't I have just done something to prevent it... "sketch?" I snap out of my thoughts. "Oh! Um- sorry, just..thinking about something" "oh? Do tell" I lightly sigh "my parents, they passed away" he looked at me sympathetically "oh..I'm sorry to hear that. A friend of mine also had their parents pass away, they're being fostered now" does he know me as y/n? "I hope things get better for them" he nodded

The rest of the night was quiet and peaceful. I went back to the foster home and went to bed. I woke up at 6 and it took me an hour to get ready, which it never does- when I got to the new school everything was so different.. I didnt like it.. "can I go to the bathroom?" I raise my hand. The teacher sighed "make it quick" I got out of the classroom and ditched class. I walked down the sidewalk with my hands in my pocket. "You really should be in class" I turn to see kenny "funny, I should be saying the same thing" he chuckled "it's that bad huh?" I groan "you have no idea! Everyone is sooo boring, and at the foster home girls and boys sleep separately! We don't live in Alabama!" He bursted out into laughter "that's the best thing I've heard all day, anyway I skipped class cuz it's actually gotten way more boring without you." I blush a light pink "how sweet, But I'll have you know even if your not around I always have someone to keep me company" he raised an eyebrow playfully "does he happen to wear dark clothes?" I hadn't realized that we were practically inches away from each other "maybe" we both had light smirks "is he your knight in shining armor?" I laughed softly "so what if he is?" He was slowly getting closer "I might start getting a little jealous he's giving you more attention then me" Kenny had a weird look like he knew something I didn't. Right before our lips met someone yelled in the distance "get back in class young lady! Ditching class to make out with you boyfriend is unacceptable!" One of the teacher grabs me by my arm dragging me back to class.

I spent the rest of the day bored out of my mind. When I got out of class I could see him waiting for me "shall your boyfriend escort you home?" I chuckle lightly "sorry sir, I'm a single Pringle" he held out his hand "I could fix that. Right this way malady" I took his hand and he took me home. He's been a little more flirty lately, it's weird. Not that I'm complaining- "you should probably get out of here before my foster dad gets the door, cuz god forbid I have any guys walk me home even if their friends" he chuckled. Kenny winked and started walking. I heard him mumbled something, sounding like 'See you tonight' or something like that. I get inside and do my homework. It took mostly 3 hours. It's now 8pm. "Night time!"

I lay in my bed waiting for him to come..I know he has his heart set on one girl but I can't help myself from wanting him.. is it wrong to want him all to myself? I don't wanna loose him too... didn't he tell sketch he had his heart set on a it could still be me. Maybe I still have a chance! Mysterion appeared by the window as normal. The girls had already fallen asleep. "Looks like it's just you and me y/n" he smiled softly "I gotta admit, I miss seeing you even if it's for a few hours" I stood by the window sill. "Aw, I'm touched, but we really do talk more often than you think" I raise an eyebrow "oh?" He smiled "Yeah, before you went to the new school we talked everyday" so it's one of the kids in South Park elementary? It couldn't be Stan or Kyle right? Maybe Clyde? No Clyde wouldn't be a total dreamboat... "so, I know your not Clyde..but you can't be Stan or Kyle either....Micheal?" He laughed lightly "no, I'm not a goth, I'm pretty sure they wouldn't do that since it makes them conformists or something." I smile a nod "true, well then Who are you?" He got ready to leave "Well think about it, who do you talk to almost every single day?" Then he was off. I lay and bed and stare at the ceiling "who do I talk to almost every single day...?"

My mystery boy (mysterion x reader) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now