Old sweet home

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It's been bothering me for 2 weeks! I've made a chart in the closet so that rat of a dad doesn't see it. My possible mystery boy is between butters, Kenny, the leader of the vampire kids, and Craig. I don't really talk to vampire boy but I do glance, I cross him off since he wouldn't be this brooding. Craig isn't necessarily the sweet type, but he could have a side nobody knows about. But he doesn't have freckles or a gap in his teeth. Also, his eyes are brown, mysterions eyes are a bright blue. So cross him off. So that leaves butters and Kenny. Butters is a sweet boy but I don't think he'd have the strong appearance or be able to give himself a deep voice. And he doesn't have freckles or a gap in his teeth. The last person on the chart was kenny..freckles, gap, and blue eyes. But..the personality is different, definitely similar but different. Mystery boy isn't as flirty or silly..but it still checks out.. I was up all night thinking about it that I didn't realize it was already time for school. I get ready and head out.

Classes are soooo boring. I walked out during lunch. I told them I had an appointment and gave them a sticky note in very good cursive that Said i had one. Good thing I remembered my cursive practice. I was out for the rest of the day now, sweet. "Weren't you taught to stay in school?" I don't know why Kenny's always there when I walk out. "Again, I could ask you the same thing" he chuckled lightly "touché, I missed you so I wanted to check up on ya" I raised an eyebrow "so you just gonna come here everyday?" I walk over to his side "yeah pretty much, I can't help it. Your fun to be around" whatever he says, he always seems to make me smile "why thank you my good sir" he held his hand out "May I take m'lady out to lunch?" I took his hand "you may"

He took me to a nice cafe and payed for lunch. I went back to class for the rest of the day and suffered. Once I got out kenny ended up taking me home again. Which reminded me about the chart I made "um, hey ken?" He smiled as he looked over to me. I swear I felt my heart skip a beat. "Um- a friend of mine wanted to meet you. Are you free tonight?" He smile lightly faded "ah, well not tonight..I've got plans tonight.." I raise an eyebrow "what are those plans?" He got a little nervous "Well, im volunteering!" It sounded like he made that up off the spot "where?" I've got him now >:3 "at Whole Foods!" He said sassily. Alright maybe he got me there "ok, so when are you free?" It keeps taking him a couple minutes to think of something "I have chores every other night" I sigh "Alright just forget I said anything" he took me home and left like yesterday. I went upstairs to see my chart missing.. "mom found it and didn't like it.. she punished us while you were coming home.." I turn around to see one of the girls. She sounded like one of those girls from horror movies who have twins. I sigh and give up.. it can't be kenny, mysterion is brooding and straight from a mystery romance novel. Kenny is flirtatious And has a soft spot for small dogs. It doesn't match up, and he has plans tonight so he couldn't be him..

It was around 8-9 and the girls were all asleep. Mysterion appeared by the window "hello my dear mystery boy" I smile softly. He smiled back "hello" we talked for a little bit then he left. I went to get into my suit and headed out. I just have to know who my mysterious lover boy is, I head on top of one of the city building roofs. He usually finds me here instead of me finding him so maybe.. "how are we always bumping into each other" he chuckled lightly. Speak of the devil. I get up and turn around with a soft smile on my face "guess it's destiny, even though you already got your star crossed lover" I laugh softly receiving one from mystery boy "Well, I find my way to her. It might be tough but I do" man..I wish I was that girl. "Whoever She is, she's a real lucky girl" my expression saddened a bit but I still kept my smile as I looked down at the city. He walked to my side "she's a sweet girl, definitely not like any other girl here in South Park" not even a big description and she already sounds better than me "I bet, anyways I should be going." I say as I rub my eyes, I was trying to get out of the situation so I wouldn't be even more hurt. "Oh? Well alright, I'll see you tomorrow?" I gave him a slight nod and left.

   I go to my old home and lightly push the front door. It creaked as it opened making dust fly around. I look around to see everything gone and dust everywhere "it hasn't even been that long..." I walked upstairs to my room to see my dresser but messed up and a broken mirror on the ground. As I stepped in there was a small crunch under my foot, I look down to see a broken photo frame with a photo tucked in it. I picked it up wiping the dust and dirt off it, it was a picture of me and Kenny when we had first became friends. I smile lightly at the memory. I put the photo in my back pocket and kept looking around. The closet was also empty but with one single hanger. Everything was so dusty here how did this even happen in the span of the time I've been gone. I hear the door downstairs creak open, and small footsteps creeping around. I try and peak down to see who it is but I could only see their dark silhouette. As they went to walk upstairs I quickly hid in the closet, it was very dark..I couldn't even see my own hand in front of my face. The footsteps got louder as the person walked around my room. What were they doing here? And who would even come here? I slightly open the door a crack to see who it was. All I could see was glistening blue eyes. Why were they wearing such dark clothes? Did they know I was here and didn't want to be seen? Their attention moved to the closet and I immediately stepped into the corner hoping they don't see me. They only opened the opposite side and closed it after investigating it a bit. I sat and waited for the footsteps to leave, once they did I sighed heavily getting out of there as fast as I could. Once I got back in bed at the fosters home it was pretty much morning time. I only got 4 hours of sleep..

  I walk down the sidewalk with a small caramel frappe from McDonald's in my hand. I was tired so I needed something to keep me up during classes. As I step into the school I sigh. Walking down the halls I see everyone bored, and nobody's unique..I wish at least someone funny was here. I go to class and sit in my chair. Already I can feel myself falling asleep, why did I have to go there at that time of all times..?

It was the end of the day, I made it without skipping? Boy I must be tired.. as I walk out I see my orange parka boy like normal. I walk up to him with a smile, receiving one back "hey ken" Kenny always makes me happy after a long boring day. "Mmhph mph mmph"(hey y/n) he had his hood up since there were still kids everywhere. He only wears it down when he's around me, guess that makes me special or something. We both start walking down the sidewalk talking up a storm. He put his hood down once there weren't many people. "Mrs bitters is horrible! I swear she has no emotion what so ever" I rant. Kenny laughed softly "that sounds awful. Sorry you have to put up with that. Mr garrison has been giving us twice the homework lately and I don't know why. Oh! Pc principle said he'd break someone's legs for starting rumors about people and it ended up being Timmy starting them. Stan only made it better by saying 'you gonna break his legs pc principle?'" He made himself laugh. It sounded way more fun than being at my school. Eventually he got me home and I waved him goodbye. I sat on my bed thinking about what happened that night..I hadn't even remembered about finding out mysterion identity. Guess I'll have to do one case at a time for now

My mystery boy (mysterion x reader) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now