Class project

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Im sorry but i havent been updating because i was busy with school lately and i ran out of ideas i hope you guys like it!


Rileys pov

    I was in my living room waiting for maya to come out of her room. I hate that she hit her head and actually got amnesia for real. I hope she gets her memory back soon since i want to tell her something really bad. But meanwhile im going to do her mission for her.

@ school (See what i did there?)

       We went our seperate ways since we dont have lockers next to eachother and i had to pee really bad  : / . I went in to the stall and rifht before i getting out,i heard a high pitch click clack noise that comes from high heels and i immediately knew it was missy.

"Tori, i feel really bad about Maya," as she said that i stood on the toilet and tried not to fall in or make any noise. "Why? She totally deserves it" im guessing that tori said that. "I dont know, she almost killed herself because of me and i hate knowing that." "Missy, she stole your boyfriend!" Maya never had a  boyfriend i thought in my head.

     "Well she didnt actually steal him but i guess your right.... but .want you to takeover, you can be the popular girl in school and ill be your sidekick" "that sound interesting....... i guess teasing maya could be fun and i could take it to a next level..... alright ill do it!" I was shocked. Not just that i could stand on the toilet with heels on but tori, the nicest girl in school, wants to tease maya!

      When I heard them leave i got off the toilet seat , quickly got my stuff and went to class. When i sat down the bell rang. Safe! I smiled as i said that because we were going to play softball later and i was so excited for that.

Mayas pov

I looked at Riley as she sat down and had the hugest smile on her face. Wonder whats that about. "Alright class today you will be paired with a partner, and I will pick them for you" mr.mathews said with a smile on his face as the class groans. "Your partners are on this paper and before you look at them i will tell you what the project is."

       He got a a piece of paper and started to read it " Dear Mr.Mathews class, i want you to do an art project with a partner, about new york and each of you will get a different slip of paper telling you what you will be researching and you have to draw the story out almost like a comic slip about history but there will be no captions -sincerely Mrs.Rose"

     Right after he said draw everyone looked at me. I know im a pretty good artist but i dont want to be used to get an A on this project. Everyone got up and went to the board to see who they got paired up with. Im hoping that me and riley would get paired up since she is the only one i know well. Farkle was kinda dissapointed and when i saw who he was paired up with it was Brenda the one that sits in the back.

    I searched for my name and i was paired up with Bucky McBoing-boing. Wait how did i know that i called him that? Yes my memory is coming back! "Hey cowboy, looks like we are partners" "oh, man looks like im paired with the most sarca--, wait did you just call me cowboy?"

      "Yeah its not like i have amnesia forever bits and peices come back to me at random times."


"Ok then, we got the history of Cafe Hey, this should be easy since we know some stuff about that place."


  "Do you want to meet up in the library after school?" I said,


"Sure,  till then ma'am" he said and tipped his imaginary hat and went back to his seat.


So i have some ideas for some later chapters and you fill in the blank and ill give you a shoutout if i like the idea for a later chapter.

Maya and Riley get into a fight about........

Lucas and Farkle reveal that.......

Mr.Mathews gets mad at Maya,Riley, Lucas, and farkle for.........

Missy and Tori.................. and did it to Maya

Okay so thats it so far and i just want t o say thank you for almost 800 reads im freaking out that you actually read this thank you! Have a great day, and always be yourself Bye!!!!!!

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