Bad luck

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Thanks to @miapatricias for the best idea ever!! Btw last chapter, do you want a way better than the first book sequel?

Maya's pov

   I was heading home from school when someone touched my shoulder. It was just Farkle. 'How are you?' He asked (AN:sign launguaged?).
'Great, im still trying to get used to this though' I responded, or i think i did.   'dont worry your doing great! youll get used to this in no time!' he replied. I GOt It right Yes!  I sighed. i didnt want to get used to this.

Farkles pov

Maya is getting great at this! Mr.Mathews move over im now the best teacher in New York! Im walking maya home (like i do every day since im the one to translate and stuff) and we are having a pretty cool conversation , because she knows so much now!

Her hearing should come back in a week or 2 but atleast she knows another way of communicating. maya keeps walking ahead of me and i have to keep pulling her back since I dont want her to get run over or something. I just jinxed myself. Hopefully not. I pulled maya back again, and as i did her phone started to vibrate. 

She looked at it and then, gave me her phone and it was just a call from Lucas.

Hey Farkle, are you still answering her calls?

Yep, what do ya want? we are heading to mayas house

(....) I want to talk to Maya

Well, you kinda can't sooo, bye! I was about to end the call when Maya grabbed my hand took her phone, and put it to her ear.

    Ok so, I can barely hear because im not completely deaf, but you have to practically scream into the phone, and even though I would love to know that one of your neighbors sent a noise complaint, have you thought about well, I dont know, TEXTING?! (.......)Bye Ranger Rick.

     She ended the call ,faced me with a raised eyebrow, and made me want to be a turtle so I could crawl back into my shell. She knew I was acting like a jerk to Lucas ever since that one day he was an ass to the whole group.  But im not going to go into detail.

      We finally got to Maya's apartment. Whe she got in the building, her phone started to blow up. We both jumped at the full blasts sound of vibration, well, she jumped because she felt it on her le- you get what im saying.

     She scrolled through her texts and she smiled. What could that jerk have said that is making her smile?

Maya's pov

L:can we please talk?!
L:im desperate at this point!!
L:im sorry!
L:Ok, so I realized looking at my texts, that I sound desperate, just meet me at Ms. Svorski's Ukrainian Bakery.

Its hilarious on how desperate he is. I noticed Farkle was glancing st me every so often. Whats up with him?

Me: FINE! stop spamming me with texts, Sundance! Geez, I think you broke my phone

I looked at Farkle. He just shrugs. I grab my bookbag and run to the ukrainian bakery. As I get there hes anxiously sitting there. I walk up to him and instead of talking we just texted eachother.Maya Lucas


What do you want friar?

We hardly talk to eachother anymore.

Well thats your fault(an:boom clap is playing on my radio)

That doesnt mean that i dont want to talk to you guys! Im sorry!



Yes ok. But why did you do it? Why did you lie?

so you guys wont think im a dumb ass bitch

Calm down cowboy, why so angry?

My friends hate me now!

Not all of them.

You and Me?

Take on the world

   My hearing eventually came back. Farkle finally had a girlfriend. Riley and rebel were dating. Everything was well until Lucas told me he loved me

     I got my heart broken. Farkle moved. Shawn died in a car accident. My mom got a different job in cali. Joshua was in the car accident but he has amnesia and Im getting bullied at my school. Except now i always stand up for myself so it wouldnt get to far. I even slapped that bitch! But i got suspended but i dont care.

    BUT thats a different story.
THE END FINALLY! I had this chapter here for a long time but i kept forgetting to put it up anyway. This chapter kinda sucked but whatever. I have two other books up and they are both Laya they are called two young hearts and the other one Is either fall apart or Falling Apart.


Ps thanks for 18.5k reads!!!!


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