First Name Basis

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Joseph accompanied the survivor to one of the few benches dispersed around the garden. After they seated somewhat comfortably (as comfortable as you could be when you were about to have the most awkward conversation of the century) Joseph's eyes automatically began examining the tear he had left on Aesop's clothing. It had been sewn by hand like it was always done, and although the embalmer's garments carried many other rips, Joseph recognized it as the very one he had made some days ago.

"How is your arm?" quickly asked the photographer.

"Oh-" Aesop seemed thoughtful for a moment, but smiled shyly at the hunter anyways. "It's getting better, Emily took care of it." He answered, not getting in too much detail.

Before Joseph could make any more questions, Aesop continued. "I didn't think you would come." He said, frankly.

I didn't think I would come. Joseph thought, but instead answered: "I am a man of word."

The Embalmer's eyes closed partially, the only sign of the smile he was hiding behind his mask.

"Then..." he stared deep into his eyes. Not a flirt, but a challenging look. "Why did you let me escape? Two times? Are you "keeping your word" to the host letting me out like that?"

Joseph laughed it off, but deep down inside, it got to him. He wasn't very loyal to this game, he knew that. But did he want to? Hurt other people (and himself in the process) so he could be trapped there forever and end up not getting what he came here for? He was tired. He wanted to live a little like Black would say.

"You don't seem too grateful for that, huh?"

"No, it's not like that..." He paused, chuckling. "I guess I just don't show it."

Joseph hummed, waiting for further explanation. And since he didn't get one, he simply said: "You are indeed an interesting person, Mr. Carl."

Aesop laughed full-heartedly. It was the first time he heard him laughing like that, vocally, with no reluctance.

"We stopped using our last names in the manor a long time ago, Mr. Desaulniers."

It was something he was still getting used to. The only ones he called by name were Michiko and the Wu Chang brothers. But he didn't mind his error if it brought this much joy to the survivor. His eyes were locked in place at the sight of his half-closed ones. He wondered how he would look like without that damned mask on, how his smile must be. It was just a piece of scrap covering his mouth, but Joseph felt like it covered so much more. It covered places he wanted to get to know. And at that thought, he noticed how invasive that sounded in his head.

He shook the strange ideas out of his mind. "I should get going. I don't want to take any more of your time. Surely you have things to do." He stated, already getting up.

"Think you can make your way out without being caught?" Joseph got shivers. The way he spoke to him just now, that sounded like a thing you would say to a survivor during a match, didn't it?

"I'll manage. Don't worry." He walked to the door without looking back. Maybe he knew if he saw those eyes again, he wouldn't want to leave.

"And Aesop..."

Aesop smiled. 


"Nothing. Just wanted to try it out." He would definitely start calling him that more often.


And I'm back, coming to terms with myself. I doubt that many readers will still accompany this story, but at this point, I'm writing it for fun, and trying and finish it. I'll try to write longer chapters. Thank you for all your support, patience, and understanding. ♡

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