! Roll the credits !

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First of all, since you're reading this, I want to thank you for your patience, support, love and all the rest you provided me with on the course of this book. It has a really special meaning to me and you're holding a special place in my heart.

Let me tell you about this!

New fanfic coming soon!

It will be called "Breathe In, Move On", although I'm not 100% sure about the title yet. It's a Magician x Thief with background Doctor x Gardner. They're not everybody's favorite ships, but they keep my imagination going! It will also be written at a different time, where everyone is still formal and there are not as many people in the manor.

Also, I don't know when I'm going to release it, but give me a few weeks and it'll come!

Check this channel out!

She is one of my best friends, the one that actually introduced me to the game.

She's been helping me a lot with my kiting and my gameplay in general. (The girl's a mammoth II... I'll catch up, one day, you hear me??)

Her videos are really funny (and helpful, at least for me), so pleasepleaseplease check her out!


(Or Sweet Søcīøpath if the link doesn't work)

Before you leave!

If you have the time, please tell me what kind of chapter you prefer :)

Short ~500 words

Medium ~800 words

Long ~1000+ words

I'll be answering all the comments, so if you want to ask me something, anything, go ahead! ♡

And this is my in-game ID if you want to play with me. (I'm not good, so don't get your hopes up ^^'): 5140364

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