Chapter One

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Pain. That was all I could think about. Trying to avoid it while it was all I was feeling then. My lungs hurt terribly, as well as the rest of my body. I had been running for so long, trying to avoid the countless spells that were being cast at me by a group of men.

Avada Kedvra!” one of them shouted.

The killing curse…I just narrowly dodged it.

“Please, stop!” I yelled from a behind a tree. “I don’t want to hurt you! I don’t mean any harm!”

I dodged another curse.

“Nice try, Ms. Riddle. But someone has to pay for your father’s actions!”

“Why me?”

“Because he’s gone and you’re here! You’re his blood! We spill your blood, we spill his! Avada Kedavra!”

Protego!” I yelled at the same time. My spell thankfully didn’t fail to protect me. “I’m tired of fighting! When will you learn? I’m on your side!”


I ducked again and then began to run again.

“Coward!” they taunted.

Maybe that was so, but I knew I couldn’t take on five men by myself. So…I hid. Tears streamed down from my eyes. I was so tired of being hated by everybody! Even the Minister of Magic, Cornelius Fudge,  seemed to have it in for me!

“Come out, Kayla! Come out so I can see you when I kill you!”

I couldn’t do this for much longer, but I wasn’t ready to die.

Expelliarmus!” one of the men cast.

The entire tree I was hiding behind almost exploded and pieces of it came pelting down on me, a few of them hitting me hard in the head. I was disoriented, but I was able to pick myself up and run while dodging more and more spells. I found a bigger tree to hide behind and I stayed there.

I had to find somewhere to apparite  before things got too out of hand. But I had to buy myself some time to do that. I quickly came up with a plan, but it was risky.

I began to run once again and of course, the men followed me. There was a fallen log nearby and I managed to jump over it. Then, I swiftly turned on my heel and cast Confringo at the log just before I made another run for it and before the men reached the log. It thankfully exploded and sent them backwards.

I thought hard about my old house and then before I knew it I was flying through the air and standing outside my family’s former house. I just hoped the groundskeeper wasn’t here. He always kicked me off the property if he found me.

I somehow manged to apparate right behind him. I gasped and he turned around.

“You! Get out of here now!” he shouted.

“Please, sir. I don’t have anywhere to stay!” I begged.

He basically chased me off my own property until he knew I was gone for good. I knew I couldn’t go back so I just ran. When I finally tired myself out, I fell down to my knees onto the dirt road I had ended up on.

It began to rain and the drops hit my face, washing the blood off. It was a cold rain, but I didn’t care. I mean why should I care about myself when no one else cared about me? It was hard to comprehend that I, at the mere age of eleven, had absolutely nothing to live for.

I wasn’t sure what most eleven year old girls had or did. I’m sure that they had their friends, they had their dolls, they had something! The only thing I had was myself, and I know some wise man would tell you that the only thing you will ever truly need is yourself, but I will always disagree. People have their lovers, their friends, their family. How can anyone say that those don’t mean anything?!

I didn’t even want any of those….because I knew that would never happen. The only thing that I wanted was to know someone who didn’t hate me…who didn’t want me dead. I wanted just one person to give me the satisfaction of my own identity. To not associate me with my father, but I knew that was all I was ever going to be: Voldemort’s daughter. 

In the Name of Good, A Harry Potter Fan Fiction (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now