Chapter Thirty-Four

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Tell me why I knew sum shit was up with her? When Malayah told me why she was upset, that's all I could really say. I fucking knew it. I look at Malayah smiling at Tessa. Damn baby, what you doing? I walk over to Malayah and grab her hand. I lean down and whisper in her ear.

"What you smiling at ha fa baby?" I ask.

"Maybe she's innocent Ki," she says. I shake my head. No the fuck she ain't, and I know it.

"No she not baby," I tell her.

"You don't know that," she fights back.

"Why the hell you defending her anyway?" I ask.

"Because she's my best friend, what's your fucking problem?" She snaps at me.

"Whatever, don't come to me when she hurts your fucking feelings," I snap back, walking away. She's too nice, that's her weakness. I didn't mean to snap at her but shit, she don't understand. I look back at her, she's mad at me, but I'm mad at her too.

Shit, I feel bad. I walk back over to her and try to grab her hand. She snatched it away from me.

"I'm sorry baby," I tell her.

"Leave me alone," she mumbles.

Well fuck her too, I'm tryna apologize and she got a sour attitude because I was being honest with her? Fine, I don't give a fuck. We walk into McDonalds, I open the door for everybody and walk behind Malayah. Damn, even though I'm mad, I had to look at that ass. It looks so good in those pants.

We walk up to the cashier, the place is pretty empty. Only a couple of people, which it's weird, it's the middle of lunch hour.

"Layah, what you want?" Tessa asks Malayah. Malayah shrugs and looks at the menu.

"I'm paying for her," I tell Tessa.

"She's my best friend, I think I can pay for her," she says.

"Well she's my girlfriend so I think I can do the same. You don't even have a job or work, I think you might wanna keep your little $20 bill lil prissy princess. You'll most likely need it later," I snap.

"It's fine, I can pay for myself," Malayah whispers. I know she don't have any money so I can't let that happen.

"No baby, I gotchu," I tell her.

"Can y'all stop fighting, shit," Jay says.

Long story short, JayShawn paid for her. I don't know how, his ass broke.


I wait in the spot Madison told me to, I don't know what information she has for me but I hate liars so she better not lie to me.

I feel a hand on my shoulder making me jump.

"Hey, jeez, it's only me Layah," I hear Madi say. I let out a sigh in relief, Kimetrius has been telling me to watch out carefully, so any unknown touch that isn't expected is scary to me.

I sit down on the front stairs and she sits next to me. The school parking lot looks deserted. Just a few cars, mostly everybody has gone home.

"So spill it," I say, reverting my attention to her.

"So, listen, uh Tes isn't really, ya know, your 'best friend'," she says, with air quotes.

"Explain," I tell her.

"Well, one day, I picked Tessa up because she said you bailed on her and she called you her 'so called best friend' or 'bestie' one of those. She's been talking, about this dude. His name is Andre," my heart drops when I hear the name.

"Wha-what about him?" I ask.

"She says she's been sneaking around with, that's why she's ground Layah, her parents saw him in the house," she explains.

But Tessa doesn't know Andre wants me though, she can't be apart of his plan.

"Layah, I know," Madi says.

"Know what?" I ask.

"I know, about Andre. I know he wants you Malayah," she tells me.

"How do you know?" I ask her.

"Tessa told me. She's jealous of you Layah, she wants what you have. She envies the way you look, she envies the fact that you have Skies, she envies the fact that Andre wants you. He's using Tessa to get to you and she knows that. She knows that he wants you," she explains. I can feel my heart beating in my chest. This is too much at one time. My best friend is betraying me, she's betraying my trust. And all for what? A boy. A stupid boy who doesn't even want her.

"And she told you that? All of that?" I ask, my voice shaky. This is just too much.

"Yes Malayah, it's not like she can tell you," she states.

"And how can I believe you?" I question.

"You'll see soon," is all she says. She stands up and dusts off her pants.

"I'll see you later Layah," she says, walking away. I watch her walk towards her car.

I still sit there, not knowing what to do. Not knowing how to process what I just heard. Madi has to be lying, but then again, how does she know about Andre? Unless she's working with him.

I pull out my phone and call Skies to come pick me up.

"Yeah baby?" His voice his groggy and sexy as fuck but ignore it.

"Baby, come pick me up, I got some news," I tell him.

I stand up and grab my book bag, it's starting to get hot.

"Okay babygirl, I'm on my way, just sit tight," he says.

"Alright, I'll-," before I can finish my sentence I feel a sharp pain in my neck.

"Shit," I mumble, I drop my phone and I feel myself dropping to the ground, but somebody catches me.

"Who- Who are you?" I mumble.

"Shhh, you'll see soon," he whispers.

"Ki, help me," I try to say. But I know he couldn't hear me. I know he's still on the phone though, I never hung up. I can hear him from the phone, calling my name, asking me what's wrong.

I watch the dude grab my cracked phone from off the ground.

"Don't worry Kimetrius, she's in good hands," he says. And with that, everything went dark.

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