hold me in your arms

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Its been a 2 weeks and i had just got out of the hospital. Rob came to see me everyday and so did pauly. They hate each other. Pauly knows something is up with me and rob but i keep trying to tell her it was nothing. She doesnt believe me.

I open the door to my house and pauly behind me helping me. My back still hurts more than ever and the doctor said i had to take medicine to help with the pain.

Pauly helps me upstairs and on to my bed. She goes and gets me a glass of water and brings it to me."thank you babe." She kiss me and i take the medicine and wash it down with water.

"Your welcome, now im gonna go.If you need anything just call me." She smiles and i nod.

"Love you baby." She kisses me on the forehead."love you too." I smile and she leaves the house.

I sigh and carefully take off my shirt. Im so hot and i cant reach the ac. So i dont care, Its my own house.

I carefully unwrap the bandage around my stomach and back and rewrap it tigher so it doesnt fall off.

I call rob."hey, could you come over? It would be amazing if you could help me with something..." i give a small laugh.

"Yeah i could. I'll be there soon." He laughs in the phone and hangs up. I sit there with my hand faning my face.

the door rings and i feel dumb. How am i supposed to answer the door.
I text rob saying that he could come straight in.

"cher are you here?" He yells and my instant reaction is to nod. Am i dumb? He cant see me!"yeah im up here." I yell and he comes upstairs.

I sit there waiting for him to come in the room.

"Hey cher!" He smiles and comes sits next to me on the bed."oh you look nice today." i smile and bite my lip.

"Thanks. You look very beautiful as always." I blush and kiss him."Honestly im not that attractive with this bandage wrapped around me. And im all hot and sticky." i strug my shoulders.

"Well even with it on i think you still look like the hottest woman alive." He makes me smile like a little kid that just got candy.

I swear hes just to cute and caring. I love him. I love him so much."rob..i think im going to tell pauly today, about me and you." He nods and puts his hand in mine.

"I think you should. I dont want to do this anymore. All this sneaking around makes me want you more." i look at him and nod slowly.

"I agree..i feel bad for doing this to pauly through.." I look down. I just feel horrible. I hope pauly understands and doesn't try to kill me.

"i know cher. before you talk to her ill make sure i leave so you two can talk in private." He smiles.

i gently lay my head on his legs and look up at him. I close my eyes falling to sleep. He kiss my head.

I wake up a couple of hours and see him sleeping. I smile and kiss him.he grabs ahold of my waist and smiles.

"You tricked me! He tricked me!" i say cutely and smile at him."how did i trick you?" i kiss him passionately.

"I thought you were asleep." He chuckles."i was for awhile. Then i just woke up." He kiss me softly.

i hear the front door open but i dont care, im too busy making out with rob.

Rob keeps his hands on my waist and kisses my neck. Pauly opens the door to my room at the wrong time. She gasps and me and rob just stare at her.

I just froze. This isnt the way i wanted to tell her."i knew there was something up with you two! How could you do this to me cher?" She starts to cry.

"I was going to tell you...you just came at the wrong time." she sniffles and wipes her tears.

"The wrong time...sure.Well i hope you have fun. Dont talk to me." i slowly get off of rob and walk over to pauly.

"Pauly look im sorry. i dont feel anything with you anymore. I dont go crazy about you like i did. i hope you understand. you deserve someone that loves you. And that someone isnt me. Its not your fault pauly." she nods and tears fall off her beautiful face.

"Goodbye cher...ill see you around." i hug her."Im sorry." I whisper to her  and she doesnt respond.

She just looks at me and then closes the door. I turn to face rob. He gets up and hugs me.

I cry in his chest."i messed up didnt i? I should of told her long ago." He rubs my back carefully so he doesnt hurt it more.

"At least you didnt wait longer. You told her what she needed to hear. Everything thing is going to be fine." He rises up my face and kisses me.

"I love you." He carefully places me on the bed and lays right next to me.

We fall asleep together in each others arms.

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