he isnt here?

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I had just got back from the store. I went to get some food for mala and zen and also had to get something for dinner. Of course i picked up some pizza.

I open the door and put the pizza on the counter and the cat food by the door for now.

"Rob im home" i walk up stairs to the bedroom."honey how many pieces of pizza you want?" I take off shoes and look up. Last time i saw rob he was in the bedroom. He wasnt downstairs.

"Rob?" I look around the house. He isnt here at all. I call him and his phone rings. He left his phone on the couch? Why would he leave it here?

I swear to god if pauly did something i will...i dont know what i would do. I just hope i dont have to hurt someone.

I slip on my shoes and grab my purse. I go straight to paulettes house. It honestly wouldn't surprise me if she did have him.

I get to her house and immediately run into her house."paulette! Come here!" I stan in the living yelling for her. She has to be in this.

I look at her as she walks downstairs."shhh cher! What do you want." She smiles so innocently.

She walks over to me and i slap her in the face."what was that for?" She covers her face with her hand.

"Oh lets see...the time you slapped me, oh and for taking rob!" I yell in anger. She looks at me confused."Oh dont give me that look."

"I dont know what your talking about...i didnt take rob." she smiles and goes in the kitchen. I follow after her.

"thats a big lie! Where is he!" I watch her as she makes coffee." im serious cher, i dont know." I dont believe her at all.

"Tell me where he is or im going to kill you right here, right now." her eyes widen as i said that.

"If you want your rob...give me money." she mixes the creamer in the coffee."What! This is about money? If you needed money why didnt you ask?" I stare at her in frustration. Im so mad at her.

"You dont understand! I cant just ask you for money!" i roll my eyes at her."how much you need? Then can i have rob back!" I yell at her and she almost spills her coffee.

"Look i dont have rob! they took him because i didn't have the money." I bang my head on the wall.

"Just tell me how much you need." She stares at me."I need 30 millon." I stare at her in shock. "What the hell did you do pauly?" she puts her coffee down and takes a deep breath.

"I cant tell you..." i look at her. Really? She cant tell me? How pathetic...she takes my boyfriend and then she ask for 30 MILLION DOLLARS! And pauly wont even telling.

"Great heres the money." I hand her my card. "oh thanks." I slap the card out of her hand.

"Ouch! What is your problem?" She askes me. I just smile at her."my problem is you! You! God i cant even look at you. Pauly you really messed up. I thought we were gonna be fine." i just yell at her. I dont know what to dp anymore. She went too far this time.

"oh by the way... You made my life a living hell!" I look at her as tears fall down her face. I almost feel bad for her...until my head reminds me of what she did. What all she did.

I stare at her. Shes speechless. All she does is stand there crying."Look, you either tell me what you did..and i give you the money, or you tell me who took rob and then i go there kill them all, get rob and then kill you." i look at her waiting for her to tell me something.

She doesnt say a word."Okay i'll give you time." She nods and wipes her tears. "24 hours pauly...24 is all you get. choose the right answer." I look at her and walk out of the house.

Im so done with pauly. I know i say it all the time but this time. Im done with her.

I walk into the house and slam the door. I can't believe this is happening. i thought everything was going to be good. I thought wrong.

I fall down onto the ground and start crying. Im slowly falling apart. All i can do is think about him. About rob. My main man.

I just lay there crying. I hope i get him back...i just cant go through all this again.

that day i murder someone...Where stories live. Discover now