Meeting The Super hero girls

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(Y/n) POV:
It had been a week since I had made Spider Man known to the city and it had been a busy life. Well busy as in fixing to beat up a group o thugs who were robbing a bank at night thinking no one would notice as wearing Super hero masks. There were four of them and they had a Superman, Batman, Aquaman, and Martian manhunter. I walked through the door and I lean and I then said "Sup!" Which they all turn around. "Wait a minute? Your not the justice league. Superman gave it away." I Said as the picked up their guns and started firing which I dodged the bullets. I jumped above them and landed between the two that had rifles. I pulled out my stingers and I sliced the guns cleaned in half and I dodged the two with pistols. I then use my webs to disarm the first one and I tossed it to the other guy which knocked him back. I then punched the guy who had the pistol and knocked him to the wall and I fired a web to keep him in place. I then dodged when two thugs tried to punch me from behind but missed because of my Spidey senses and I fired some webs between them and I pulled down knocking them to the ground which knocked them out for the count. The last guy got up and was fixing to bail out of here but I went grabbed back and I kicked him in the head knocking him out. I then put the three dangling from a web that I made to keep them there till police came thanks to me pushing the alarm that was under one of the counters. I then web swinged out of there to the other building that was in front of the bank and I grabbed a camera. "I wonder what photos would be good for the Daily Bulge and the school newspaper." I Said as I took the camera and headed home.

The cafeteria:
"Last night Spider Man foils bank robbers." Said a girl with a leather jacket.
"Another article on him?" Diana asked her. "Yeah, and this time it is on the Daily planet. Well it is small because The Article about Superman saving a building g from a fire is huge on the front." Kara said "So what is the problem?" See asked her and adds "I mean if he is barely on the front page then what is the problem?" "The problem is that he has been doing this more frequent and at one time he beat me to a metal beam from falling and caught it with only one hand." She Said "There is no reason to be upset for that one time." Diana said "True, but he has been fighting our villains before we can have a chance to get there." Kara said "Well I want to find him because he shot me with his web shot last Friday and I want a apology from him." Barbara said "It's not like any of you is going to find him easily." Jessica told them "What makes you say that?" Kara asked her "Because you don't exactly have any way of finding him and I doubt it will be easy when he appears because he leaves when the job is done." Jessica explains "That is where you are wrong." Barbara said "And why is that?" Diana asked her "Because I have been reading all the papers about and I have notice something that people will overlook." She Said "And What would that be?" Zee asked her "My one lead is the photos that have been taken." She Said holding the paper that Kara was reading. "What about it?" Kara asked "All photos that were seen from the Daily planet, the Daily Bugle, and the schools newspaper were taken from someone name (y/n) Summers!" She Said "Isn't that the guy from last Thursday that was at the Oscorp building when we were fighting Mr. Freeze and he was hit by a table?" Karan Said "Correct." She Said "Well what are we waiting for? Let's go see this guy." Kara said as she was about to get up but Diana stopped her "We can't do it now, there are to many people around." "Right." Kara said as she sat back down. "I'll go talk to him after school since he knows me, and I bet I can get some information on how he got those photos and if he knows something about this Spider Man." Barbara said as they agreed and went back to eating.
(Y/n) POV:
After school at a room in school:
"I can't believe that you took photos whenever you go out and be Spider Man." My friend said "Well, it is used for the Daily bugle to get some money and I did give the school newspaper some photos too and I even gave one photo to the Daily Planet." I told him "It doesn't seem like a great idea." He Said "What makes you think that?" I Asked him "Because What if people start to wonder how you got these photos?" He asked me "Don't worry about that. No one is going to check on who takes the pictures and it's not like their going to check a schools newspaper and I only sent one to the Daily planet." I told him "Ok, but what about the Daily bugle? They don't exactly write a friendly article about you." He Said as he showed me the paper which is labeled "Spider-Man: Threat or Menace?" "Well, you cant win them all." I Said "Your not angry that they wrote something negative about you?!" He said "It doesn't matter about what people think about me and really it's not like people would care as much as they do about Superman." I Said as we then heard a knock from the door. "Who could be wanting to come here during club hours." I Said and I added "Come on!" The door opened and I saw Barbara coming in. "Oh my goodness! Barbara is here! Perhaps this is my time!" I thought to myself as she walked over. "Hey there. (Y/n) right?" She asked me "Uhh... Yeah... What up?" I Said "Well I was wondering on how you managed to get these photos?" She asked me showing a newspaper from the Daily planet and pointing to a picture that I took. "Oh... that... well... I was just around the right place at the right time..." I Said "Really? Because I doubt you could've been there at dark and notice a fight at a bank and with a camera?" She said suspicious about my answer. "Oh snap! I didn't think of that! Quick (y/n) think! Your secret is on the line and I can't tell her because I could have bad guys trying to come after the people that I care about!" I thought as I think of a answer and I jumped out of the window and ran like heck. Ok, that didn't happen, but I felt like I could do it. "You see... I happen to know him?.." I Said which resulted in "What!?!" "What?!?!" From both Barbara and Subcommander. "Yeah... I happen to be friends with him before he became Spider Man?" I Said hoping it would work which I guess sounds unbelievable because I heard my friend slapped his head in disbelief. "Really? Because I never seen you with another friend?" She Said even more suspicious and I was sweating. "Well that's because... he is from somewhere else?" I Said "Then I would like to meet this friend." She Said "No problem!" I Said "And I want you to be there!" She said pointing at me to show that she means that I have to be there. "No problem... we usually meet at a abandoned warehouse." I Said as I gave her a piece of paper telling her where that is at. "Sounds good." She Said as she left the room and after a few good minutes. "What were you thinking?" He yelled "I don't know. I got nervous and I didn't know what to say to her!" I Said "Well you should've thought about that when she came in here." He said "I know but I didn't know what to say. I mean it was Barbara! I get nervous and awkward around her and I don't think well." I told him "Yeah that shows that you having a crush could make say anything that you would think of like how are you supposed to be at the warehouse as both you and Spider Man?!" He asked me. "Don't worry I have a idea!" I Said as I told him the idea.
Time skip:
The Warehouse
Barbara POV:
"So this is the place that he told you to meet him." Kara asked me "Yes he gave me a note on where it is." I told her "Well you would think he would make it somewhere more clean." Zee Said as she uses her wand to move the pieces that are on the floor away. "It does seem like a good place so that no one would come." Karan said. "True, it is always best to keep ones identity a secret and to have a place to rest where no is at." Diana said "Well whatever it is about this place at least we will be meeting this guy." Kara said "And hopefully I can get a apology for the web shot at my face." I Said as I notice (y/n) was sitting at a chair and when he saw us he gets up and says "Hey... I didn't know... you would be bringing friends?" He Said "Yeah, they also want to meet him and to make sure that this wasn't a prank." I told him. "Right well here He is." He Said as Spider Man jumps from the top of the cat walk and lands on his knees and heard a "Ow." From him and he gets up and runs up to us and says "Hey guys I heard you wanted to meet me?" He said but his voice sounded different then he did in the news. "Well it's nice to meet you." I Said "Yes it is always great to meet someone who is here to defend the innocent." Diana said "Yes, it is what I do and my friend here helps with my equipment." He Said as he points to (y/n) "Really?" Kara said "Yes I do... make things... that help him in battles.." (y/n) Said "Then can you tell me how you made those web bombs from the time you stopped a store from being robbed?" Karan asked him " see... start by... taking a piece of web and -" I didn't bother waiting for him to finish because I knew the way he is saying it doesn't match what a person who makes things would say so I tossed two pieces of trash from the floor at them and the one that was heading to "Spider Man" had hit him in the chest while (y/n) had caught before it had hit him in the face. "Yep, your not Spider Man." I Said to ten person in the suit and I then pointed to (y/n) "Which makes you the real Spider Man!" I Said.
(Y/n) POV:
I was in shock that she had figure us out. "Curse my nervousness around her and to not think clearly!" I thought to myself as Subcommander took off the mask "I told you this plan wouldn't work." He Said "Well... umm.... you're not gonna tell anyone that I'm Spider Man. Are you?" I asked them as Diana then said "We won't as long as you don't." I was confused on what she meant until they all change to Super hero suits and it was revealed that they were the Super Hero girls.

" I was confused on what she meant until they all change to Super hero suits and it was revealed that they were the Super Hero girls

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"I did not see that coming!" Subcommander Said as I was in shock of what I have learned. "I can only imagine on what is going to happen. And Barbara is Batgirl!!! Telling her how I feel is going to be even harder then I thought?" I thought to myself.

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