The Fusion Project

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(Y/n) POV:
Today is the day that I will be heading to see the Fusion project demonstration and I will be going with Barbara Gordon! I did tried to pinch myself just to make sure I want dreaming when I got back but I remembered that I had a stab wound from yesterday which I can still feel a bit but it didn't put me down. Well mentally speaking, physically it put some weight on my shoulder on the right but not enough to be noticeable. I went to get ready and I was dressed and I went back up to get my backpack with my suit in just in case and it had my camera in it so now I am waiting for 2:00 to roll be for me to head down to Barbara's house and then head to Otto Labs. "So what got you all happy all of the sudden?" I heard a tiny voice which I turned to my desk to see (s/n) on top of a book. "When did you get here?" I asked her "Subcommander brought me here because I wanted to be here and read." She Said which I realized something that she just said "Wait, how did you even tell him?" I asked her "He built this mini voice for me to talk to others just yesterday." She Said which I notice some sort of tiny device on her back "Oh, that is pretty cool." I Said "Yes, now back to my original question on what is making you happy." She Said "Only Because I have Asked Barbara to a friendly outing at Otto Labs to see a demonstration on Dr. Otto's project." I told her "So you told her how you feel." She Said "Well, no. But this is just so I can get to know her better and when that is done then I will tell her how I feel." I Said "Maybe you should do that sometime soon or else someone else might ask her out." She Said "I'll keep that in mind." I Said "Good now of you need me I'm going back to reading." She Said as she goes back to reading he book that she is on top of and I decided to watch a bit of tv until it was time to go.
Time skip
It was 1:50 and I decided to leave early because I checked how far her place was and it was a bit far then here so I was out of the house and running because walking would take to long. "Ugh, I should've just left at one and I can't believe that she loves very far. There's no way I'm going to be there anytime soon." I thought to myself as I then thought of a idea which I turned to the alleyway. I put on my Spidey suit and I had my clothes in the backpack so now I am traveling by web swinging, the fastest travel for me to have. I did had to stop two times to stop a petty thief who tried to steal a woman's purse and when two goons tried to rob a jewelry store. After that I had arrived to her place and I went to a bunch and changed back to my civilian clothes and I walked to her place and I saw that she was already outside "Hey!" I Said "Hey! I see you got here fast." She Said "Yeah, I may of been Spider-Man in the way here and I did stop a few places." I Said as she giggled a bit "Yeah, I can understand when your place is far away from here." She Said "Yeah... shall we be on our way." I Said "Yeah, wouldn't want to be late." She Said as we head our way to Otto Labs.
Time skip
We had arrived at Otto Labs and the demonstration doesn't start for a while so I showed her around the labs and I showed her my moms lab who we saw was watching a alligator munching on a large chunk of meat. "Hey mom what are you doing?" I asked her "Oh, I'm just watching the bite strength of a alligator." She Said "I see... Anyway I like you to meet Barbara Gordon." I told "Nice to meet you." Nice to meet you two." They both greeted each other. "I see (y/n) have finally found himself a girl." My mom said which I got embarrassed "Wha... what? We are... friends." I awkwardly said as Barbara giggled at my reaction "Yeah, he invited me to see the demonstration." She Said "Really! I would've thought he would've asked someone out by now." She Said "Mom!" I Yelled in embarrassment. "I'm just teasing you" She Said "Well it's not funny." I Said as Barbara was just laughing "Well, I think it is time to go to the lobby to see the demonstration." My mom said as we left to the demonstration. We had arrived at the lobby and my mom asked if I had my camera with me which I did and she told me take some pictures of the event which I took some pictures as me and Barbara were waking around talking. We then stumbled upon Subcommander and Karen. "Hey guy!" Barbara said "Hey!" "Hi Babs!" They Said "how are you guys?" I asked them "Good." My friend said as the Karen and Barbara were talking at the refreshment table. "So I see that you invited Karen to the demonstration." I Said "Yeah, this date is going well." He Said "Wait! You asked her in a date?" I asked him "Yeah, I asked her three days ago and she said yes." He Said "How!?!" I Asked surprised that he asked a girl out with only knowing when I started being Spider-Man. "Well we having been working at the lab and we also been hanging out so and I asked her if she wanted to go on a date and she said yes." He explained to me which I am still in shock of the fact that he had asked a girl out before me and I have been trying for a long time and here he is did it in only a few days. "Hello boys!" We turn to see Dr. Octavius "Hey!" We Said "I see that you arrived to see the demonstration." He Said "We Sure did." I Said "And I saw that you both asked a girl to the event." He Said "Yeah, it is our first date." Subcommander said "It is a friendly outing." I Said "Really, then I guess you asked her to come as a friendly outing because you have a crush on her and you are scared to tell her how you feel." He Said which surprised me that he figured me out. "How you know?" I asked him "I had also had a crush when I was younger. Her name was Mary Alice Anders and we had met when I was starting out at Oscorp. We had been lab partners during my time their and she was the reason I started this project. But after one of our testing had gone wrong she pushed me away before I was hit from the explosion but at the cost of her life. She died before I can tell her how I feel and I promised that I would complete the project in her honor." He Said which I felt bad for him "I'm so sorry." I Said "It's fine the past is the past but the present is the present. And let me give you a advise. "Love should never be a secret. If you keep something as complicated as Love stored up inside, it could make you sick."" He Said "That is very deep and I think I get what you are saying." I Said "Good, And make sure you follow the quote and don't keep it hidden and not let her know. Now if you need me I will be starting the demonstration." He Said as he left. "You should go and follow his advise." Subcommander said "I will, but not today. I'll try telling later, but right now I think I should let this be a friendly outing and the next time I will tell her how I feel." I told him "Good, now let's go back to the girls." He Said as we went back and joined the girls at a table that we sat down as we saw Dr. Octavius was at the back in front of a sheet that is covering the device that he had completed. "Ladies and Gentlemen, I hope you are enjoying yourselves and I am glad that are here to witness the first ever fusion reactor!" He Said as he unveils the reactor to the crowd.

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