The Beetle

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(Y/n) POV:
It has been four days since I met the Green Goblin and I have been on the lookout for him sever since. I have been practicing for when we meet again so that I will be prepared to face him again. Today is Saturday and it was 7:30 and I was on my way to where the tickets are being sold in 30 minutes and I was being Spider-Man on the way there. I had my backpack with me which had my civilian clothes for when I get there and the exact money for the tickets. I did have to stop at three places where someone thinks that it was safe to rob a place. I was close to the building and I was about to get there when my Spidey senses went off and I moved out of the way as three rockets just flew by me. "Looks the Goblin decided to attack now of all day." I thought about the annoyance of him showing up now instead of later. I turn to give a witty comeback at him when I saw that it was someone else.

 I turn to give a witty comeback at him when I saw that it was someone else

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"Who are you!?!" I yelled at him "I am the Beetle." He Said in a cool robotic voice which must be how he made his suit to make it so that no one will recognize his voice. "I have to say you have a cool voice but unfortunately you tried to kill me so I am going have to kick your butt!" I yelled "Good luck I am a professional assassin and I was paid to assassinate you." He said "Who would want me dead! Was it Mr.Freeze? Dr. Octavius? Or is it the Joker? After all Me. Freeze was the first super villain that I faced so he would be mad about that. Octavius hates me for ruining his career and I did kept fighting the Joker clan whenever they are around and I would assume that he would want me to stop. So which of the three wants me dead?" I asked him. "Neither of them and I have a message from him." He Said "So what is the message?" I asked him "The Goblin sends his regards!" He Said as he fires a machine gun that appears from his shoulder. "Woah!" I yelled as I dodged the bullets. I then fired some web shots at him but he blasted them apart from a flamethrower from his wrists. ""I cant believe Goblin wanted to kill me after one meeting." I Said to myself as I dodging some blasts from his shoulder gun. I tried to fire some webs at him but he blasted them away with fire. I then I web pulled myself to him ready to punch him but he then flew up in his jet pack from his armor. "Seriously!" I yelled as he lands on a building. "Where did you get all this stuff?" I asked him "I built this suit after every assassinations that I complete." He Said as he fires some rockets at me and I was waiting for a good time to dodge at the right moment. When it came close I dodged up and I fired at Beetle which dodged it. He then fired two missiles at me and I was now swinging away from them and I have a feeling that the Beetle is following to make sure that they finished the job. I then turned around and I fired a web shot at one missile and I then web grabbed the other and tossed it back to him which hits him but he recovered quickly. "Oh come on!" I yelled "You may of gotten a lucky shot but I've still killed people who had lucky shots!" He said as he then fires a beam of heat at me and I was trying to get away from it. "I can't beat him alone. But I can't contact anyone without him knowing and constantly moving. I need to head to one of them. I better move till one sees me." I thought as I kept moving and dodging the attacks that the Beetle was throwing at me.
Time skip
I was swinging for who knows how long and I can't seem to find anyone that could help me and I have been fighting this guy all over the city and I was getting exhausted from fighting him. I then saw the super hero girls who were fixing to fight a group of thugs who had just robbed a bank which I webbed them and I landed. "Hey! We were fixing to fight them!" Supergirl Said in frustration. "Sorry but I need-" I didn't finish my sentence because I moved away from rockets that had hit where i was and the Beetle landed. "Help." I finished. "Who is that?" Zatanna asked me "I am the Beetle a world class assassin." He said "What business do you have trying to kill our friend!" Green Lantern yelled. "He was hired by the Goblin." I told them. "Then we will help you fight this foe!" Wonder Woman Said "Yeah! It's not he can take us all!" Supergirl Said as the Beetle then pulled out everything he has at us.

 "Then we will help you fight this foe!" Wonder Woman Said "Yeah! It's not he can take us all!" Supergirl Said as the Beetle then pulled out everything he has at us

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This moment had us dumbfounded. "Apparently he can." Super girl said as the Beetle fires everything he has at us which all of us were dodging or blocking or dodging and Blocking at the same time. We have been fighting this guy for quite a while and we had managed to land a few hits on him but yet he is still going. "This is getting out of hand! I need to find a weak spot on him or this is going to end with all of us getting killed by a weapons expert, armor making, professional assassin!" I yelled in my mind. I then tried to charge at him to distract him and hopefully they will think of a way to beat him. He then fired some rockets at me and I was dodging it then and then Supergirl punched behind and he was launched to a building but he recovered before he had hit he aimed a missile launcher from his shoulder at her which was glowing green which I realized that he had a kryptonite with him and I knew what he was using it for and I think Supergirl knows to because she tries to move so he cant get a lock on her but I knew he will. I then tried something a bit risky I quickly and silently by shooting a web at the launcher blocking where it will go out which he didn't notice and I guess that he got lock because must've fired and the launcher explodes in his face. He was blasted to a building with his armor short circuiting and Supergirl quickly punched him which knocked him out cold. Wonder Woman then tied him with her lasso so that he will stay until the cops arrive. "Thanks for the help!" I said tired from fighting him. "No problem." Batgirl Said "Yeah, And next time. bring someone who isn't loaded with basically every weapon that one person can use." Supergirl Said "So I guess the Green Goblin wants you dead already." Zatanna Said "Yeah... ever since he killed the president of the board to Oscorp and that I've fought him he must want to get rid of me so he can do what he does without me getting in the way because he knows that I will be fully prepared for him." I Said "What you need to do is to be careful for what else he can do." Wonder Woman Said "Yeah... does anyone know what time it is?" I asked them "It is 3:48." Bumblebee Said as I was gone. I didn't have time to say goodbye but I had to get those tickets before they are gone and hopefully it doesn't close when I get.
Time skip 3:58
I had just arrived to the place and I ran in to see that there was no line and I saw a booth that was open which I ran to it. "Hey! Are there any tickets left." I Said as I was catching my breath. "Uhh??? Yes. There are two left Mr. Spider-Man." She Said "Oh thank goodness." I sighed in relief as I look in my back and got out the money for the tickets. "Here you go." I said "Thank you. We hope you have a good time at the Expo." She Said "Thanks." I Said as I walked out of the building and I put the tickets in the bag. "Tickets acquired! At least we beat him in time." I thought as I heard my stomach growled. "I better get some food. I missed lunch from fighting the Beetle." I Said as I swing off.
"With the murder of the head of the Board to Oscorp from a mysterious murder who has stolen Oscorp tech.we have just gotten word that Norman Osborn is now the head of the board after a few days of deciding on who it should be. Lastly Spider-Man was under attack by the world class Assassin "The Beetle" Who was charged for hundreds of murders he has committed and will be sent to the Metropolis Prison for a long time." The news reporter said from the TV as it was then turned off. "This Spider has shown that he will be tricky to kill." The Goblin mask that is residing at the table said in Norman's head. "What are we supposed to do?" He asked the mask. "We must strike his heart which we will do by killing the person that he loves!" The mask said "How are supposed to know who he loves?" Norman Asked "We will use one of the experiments in Oscorp that will make him kill the person he cares about." The mask said and it then laughs as Norman goes to the elevator and presses a button that says "Symbiote research division.""

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