Batgirl and Black Cat vs Venom

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(Y/n) POV:
It has been a few days since I was attacked by Beetle and that I barley got the last two tickets. For the past days I have been trying to find any leads of Green Goblin but so far I have found nothing. Apparently this guy likes to hide in the shadows somewhere where he can bite like a coward. Or he's doing it to mess with me so that I will drop my guard! I really need to find this Goblin but I can't do much of anything without any leads. Well o suppose the best option is to wait until he strikes which will be the most frustrating part about all this. I decided to use this time to finally Tell Babs how I feel about her and ask her to the Gadget Expo with me that is coming up soon. I was walking to the Burrito Bucket where she works. I had the tickets in my bag which had my suit just in case if trouble is near. "I can't believe that I am finally telling Babs how I feel. I feel like it was just yesterday when she finds out my name when we were coming back from Oscorp. It was also the day that a dozen of spiders bit me and I gain my powers and became Spider-Man! Time certainly flies." I thought as I walked past antique store where I looked through the window to see someone in there. "Someone is trying to rob the store. Looks this a time for." I thought as I ran to the alleyway and put on my suit and I web shot a bag on the wall for me to come back. "Spider-Man!" I added as I web swing to the top of the store and saw the opening to where the burglar came in. I jumped down and I saw that the person looked strikingly familiar. "Hey!" I yelled to gain her attention as she turned around to reveal that it was Black Cat. "I see that we meet again Spider." She Said "Yeah and this time you can't trick me and I have your escape route blocked." I told her "Really. Although I am curios on how you knew that this place was getting rob?" She asked me "Uh.... I just know." I told her giving a vague answer. "Really. Then I supposed you weren't the person who had walked by and saw that I was in here and full sprinted to get here?" She said catching me off guard. "W-what! No! That wasn't me! That was just a random person who happened to see and I just coincidentally came here just as he left!" I Said hoping she will buy it. "No worries. It's not like I'm going to tell anyone. I have no interest of telling people who you are and ruining your life because I wouldn't have fun messing with you in our future meetings. Also i only saw your face which doesn't mean that I know who you are." She told me "Uh... whatever and that part of future meetings are not going to happen!" I Said "That's the exact same thing that one superhero said to my father when he was the Black Cat and he never got caught." She Said "Well. Unlike your dad, you are going to be caught!" I told her "Really." She Said with a smirk. "Yes Really And I'm going to do it quick so that I can go back what I was going to do." I Said "Well, you can tell the girl that you like that you couldn't catch me." She Said as she threw a smoke bomb down on the ground and smoke was everywhere for a few seconds till it cleared up. "Ta ta, Spider-Man." She Said from the hole that she made
To get in the store. "Not on my watch and how did she guess that I was going to ask a girl?" I thought as I jumped up and start my chase of the Black Cat. I have been railing her for a few good minutes until she had reached a tall building where there aren't any building close enough for her to escape. "Looks like someone ran out of buildings!" I Said as I landed on the building blocking her path of going back. "And that's just make this more interesting." She Said "Yeah, well good luck getting-!" I didn't finish my sentence because my Spidey senses went off as I dodged away from a bomb that nearly hit me. "What! Where did that come from!" She Said "I think I have a good guess." I Said as I heard a familiar laughter. "I see you decided to come tonight!" I yelled "Oh Spider-Man. I see that you brought a friend." He Said "So what brings you out? Wanting to get kicked butt to jail!" I Said "Your jokes are bad as what is going to happen to the person that you care about." He Said which I got scared that he did something to Babs or mom. "What did you do!" I yelled "I have done nothing to no one. You will be the one that will be hurting the person that you care for." He Said which I got scared of what he mean by that which I thought of a plan that would hopefully work. "Hey. Black Cat." I whispered to her "What?" She whispered back. "What do you mean by that!" I yelled at him and I then whispered to Black Cat "If you care about not ruining my life I want you to head to the Burrito Bucket there is a girl there that I want you to help." "What I mean is that a creature will be going through your mind and use you to hurt the person you cared for." He Said as Black Cat left. "Looks like your friend left. I guess she didn't want to help you for this!" He yelled as he throws some sort of canister with some black goo which hits the roof. "I think your plan might have some holes?" I Said in confusion which is changed to fear as I saw it moved toward me at speeds that I can only imagine. "What the!" I yelled as I tried to get away from it but it had managed to get to me. The thing was covering me fast and the last thing I heard was the Green Goblin laughing.
Black Cat POV:
I saw the thing take over Spider Man and I figured that it was going after the girl that was at the place. I ran towards that direction to hopefully make it in time before whatever is controlling Spider-Man from hurting this girl. I was swinging and climbing as fast as I can until I saw the place in sight. "Finally!" I Said as I landed and I ran to the door.
Barbara Gordon POV:
I was working on my shift which was about to end for the night and there were only one customer and I had just finished getting his order down and I gave it to him. "Thank you come again!" I Said as he left. "It's almost time to close for the night. I can't wait." I thought as i saw what appears to be a women in a black suit run in and she looked around until she sees me and ran up to me. "Can I help you?" I asked her "Quick you need to get out of here fast!" She Said with a panic look. "My shift doesn't end till a few minutes and my boss will get angry if I leave." I told her "Screw your boss your life is in danger!" She Said "From What?" I Said in disbelief as I saw something slam down in the streets and smoke was in the way from me seeing what had landed. "Like I Said. We need to get out of here!" She Said as she jumps up to my side of the counter and grabs me and pulls me outside.
Still inside the Burrito Bucket
"Gordon! What is all the racket!" Her boss yelled as walked in "Where are you!" He adds as something breaks through the doors. "You are gonna-" he didn't finish his sentence because he sees what came in which the thing roars loudly. "Heh heh. I was just leaving!" He Said as he ran out of the building.
Outside at the back
Still no POV:
We see Black Cat had taken Babs to the back and she then pulls away. "Why are we even running!" She asked Black Cat. "Because Spider-Man was attacked by the Green Goblin who threw some sort of black goo at him and it has covered him because goblin what's the creature that is controlling his body to hurt the thing he cares and he told me to come here which means he is coming to get you!" Black Cat Said as a loud roar was made from inside. "Wait? What do you mean that Spider-Man cares about me?" She asked her "Wait,
He never asked you out and told you how he feels!" Black Cat Said "No, but I bet that this wasn't the way he wanted." She Said as Barbara quickly changed to her Batgirl suit. "Your Batgirl!" Black Cat Said In surprise "Yes and I know who Spider-Man is and whatever Green Goblin did to him we are going to get that goo off of him. Besides, how dangerous can this goo be." She Said as the wall to the building crashes down which covered the area in smoke. After the smoke clears Batgirl and Black cat saw what is controlling Spider-Man's body.

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