Chapter 6

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When I wake up the next morning Daniel and I have our legs tangled together and we're face to face. His lips are slightly parted and his hair has fallen to cover his eyes. I smile and slid out of bed as quietly as I can so I don't wake him up.

I switch my phone with Daniel's so I can plug mine in. His battery is full so I set it down on the nightstand. It's 6 so I decide to take a shower before work. I grab my uniform and head into the bathroom and close the door. I hop in the shower and start singing softly. I get out and get dressed and go back into my room with my hair wrapped in a towel.

"Good morning," Daniel says rubbing his eyes.

"Good morning," I smile sitting down to do my makeup.

"What time is it?" He asks looking around for his phone.

"Probably about 6:30," I say as I do my eyebrows.

I hear him reach over to pick up his phone. He lies on my bed for a little bit on his phone before going to the bathroom. I finish doing my every day makeup and put my shoes on.

"Leaving already?" He says.

"Yeah. I told you traffic is bad," I say.

I grab my phone and put it in my pocket before walking into the kitchen. Daniel follows me and stops in the hallway.

"I guess I'll see you tonight?" He says.

"7 and we're hiking," I say.

"Yes," he laughs.

"Sorry to rush you out like this but I need to get to work," I apologize.

"It's okay," he says, "let me just put my shoes on."

He turns and walks back into my room. He walks back out with his shoes on. Daniel's hair is a little messy so I walk over and try to fix it as best I can.

"Ready?" I ask.

"Yeah," He says walking toward the door.

I grab my keys and we walk outside. I turn to lock my door and Daniel walks to his car as I walk to mine. We wave and go our separate ways.

All day I day dream about Daniel and our date and our future dates. I should really snap out of it. He's probably going to meet some really pretty girl on tour and forget all about me. Maybe he'll go to some club in Vegas and hook up with someone. Oh gosh. It's not like we're dating though. I can't be jealous.

My manager lets me off early and I head home. I get home a little earlier than usual so I take a short nap. I must have over slept because I wake up to Daniel ringing the doorbell.

"Just a minute!" I yell.

I run around my room and throw on some leggings and a tank top, except I can't find my shoes. Daniel rings the door bell again and then calls me. I pick up the phone and put it on speaker.

"Where are you?" He asks.

"I'm here. I'm just looking for my shoes," I say.

"Can you let me in? It's hot outside," he says.

"You'll be fine," I say hanging up.

I finally find my shoes and put them on. Daniel rings the door bell one more time and I swing the door open.

"Finally," He says.

"Oh stop it," i say walking past him.

He unlocks his car and we get inside. The drive isn't too far to the mountain.  The weather is nice today and the sky is clear. We start heading up the mountain. Daniel's a good few paces ahead of me since hiking isn't really my thing, plus I'm afraid of heights. After what seems like an eternity we reach the top and I'm out of breath.

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