Chapter 5

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I fall asleep to Daniel playing with my hair and his slow breathing. When I wake up he's gone. I sit up and rub my eyes.

"Daniel?" I say.

No one answers. I walk to the bathroom to see if he's in there, but he's not. I get dressed in my work uniform and walk back into the kitchen. I pour more water into the vase with Daniel's flowers in it and notice there's a small piece of paper stuck inside one. I take it and open it.

I'm picking you up tonight at 7.

I take the paper and turn it over. That's all he wrote. He needs to stop doing that to me.

I finish getting ready for work and head over. Work was boring and Daniel didn't pop in like he did yesterday. The drive home seems like it's taking extra long just to spite me. Once I finally make it home it's already 6:30. I start to panic a little since I only have half an hour to get ready. I'm going to smell like coffee because I don't have time for a shower.

He didn't even tell me what to wear. Daniel!

He seems pretty spontaneous so I doubt he'd take me to another fancy restaurant since we already did that. I put on a maroon tank top and tuck it into a shirt black skirt. I slip on some white converse and sit down to do my makeup. I pull out my eyeliner when the doorbell rings.

"Great," I sigh.

I get up and answer the door. Daniel's standing on the other side. He's wearing a red sweatshirt and some black jeans. I let him inside.

"You look nice," he says.

"Thanks. I'm not ready yet," I say walking back into my room, "traffic was awful."

"You look fine like that," i hear him yell from the kitchen.

"Ten minutes," I yell back.

I start doing my eyeliner when I hear Daniel's voice again.

"Y/n, you're absolutely beautiful without whatever that is you're putting on your eye," he says.

"Just let me finish my eyeliner," I say.

"We're going to be late," he says sitting down on my bed.

"I don't even know where we're going. You never tell me these things. You just hang up the phone or don't write anything more on your note or—" I say before being cut off.

Daniel grabs the eyeliner out of my hand and sets it down on the table before taking my hand and pulling me out of my room. He does it all so quickly that my chair falls over and I'm stumbling behind him. I try to regain my footing and by the time I do we're already out the door. Daniel closes the door behind me and continues to hold my hand as we walk to his car. He opens it for me and waits for me to get inside.

"Daniel!" I say, "what was that?"

"You were taking too long," he shrugs, "now get in before we're late."

"I didn't even lock my door," I say turning around to go back inside.

"You live in a safe neighborhood," he says, "just get in the car."

"Fine but if I get robbed you owe me," I say pointing my finger at him.

"Deal," He says as he closes the door.

He climbs in the other side and starts driving. We drive for about an hour before he pulls onto a dirt road. I'm trying to figure out where we are when I see it.

A giant screen with a movie playing on it.

"A drive in movie?" I say.

"Surprise," he laughs.

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