Chapter 11

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I part my lips to say something and he crashes his onto mine. I resist at first but I can feel how desperate he is. He doesn't want to lose me. I relax and kiss him back, tangling my hands in his hair. He pulls me closer and deepens the kiss and I can feel how afraid he is of losing me. The better part of my judgment is telling me to stop and push him out of my life, but I can't because I love him too.

I pull away and Daniel's forehead is pressed against mine with his hands in my hair.

"Please don't leave me," he pleads, "I love you."

"Daniel," I say softly, "I should just walk away. I know I should, but I can't."

He picks his head up and takes a step back looking down into my eyes.

"Please don't walk away," he says, "I swear I will never ever do something like that again."

"I couldn't leave you even if I wanted to," I admit.

"Do you forgive me?" He asks.

"Not yet," I say truthfully, "I'm still hurt, really hurt, but I really like you. I want to work this out with you."

Daniel's eyes light up and he hugs me tightly whispering everything I've ever wanted to hear into my ear.

The elevator doors suddenly open and outside are some hotel staff. We quickly apologize and walk out of the elevator, both of our cheeks a rosy red. I walk upstairs to my room with Daniel. He hugs me goodnight and continues to apologize.

"Daniel, we will work this out. I'm exhausted right now. I can't talk about this anymore, okay?" I sigh.

"Okay," he says, "I love you. I always will."

"Goodnight Daniel," I say as I close the door.

I hear his footsteps grow softer as he walks down the hallway. Tate is in the bathroom taking a shower. I get changed into my pajamas and head straight to bed. I feel the bed lower as she lies down next to me.

"Y/n?" She whispers, "are you awake?"

I don't really want to talk about it right now so I pretend like I'm asleep. She turns off the light and drifts off to sleep. I stay awake a little while longer thinking about what happened.

Daniel kissed another girl. He said he'll never do it again. He says that no one makes him feel like I do. He said that he wishes he would have kissed me years ago. He said if he did we'd be married by now. He says he loves me. He says he'll always love me.

Even though he said all of that I'm still hesitant to believe him. It hurt so much to come to the realization that he kissed another girl. But, I felt his desperation in that kiss.

Everyone deserves a second chance.

I finally fall asleep to my conclusion of giving Daniel one more chance. If he does something like this again then I'll know who he really is. I'll know that he isn't worth my time. At least, that's the plan. Things don't always go according to plan though.

I wake up to Tate's alarm going off. My eyes are a little puffy from crying last night but they're not the worst they've ever been. I get dressed and throw on a t shirt and shorts. Tate and I are heading back to LA today and won't see the boys until they're back from tour in a week.

"Are you okay?" Tate asks while we're in the elevator.

"I don't know," I say, "I'll tell you later on the plane."

"Okay," she says as the doors open.

The boys are all downstairs and Jonah looks at me with sympathy in his eyes. I give him a small smile to let him know that I'm okay. Everyone is keeping their distance from Daniel since the video got leaked and it's causing a lot of drama. I go over and stand next to Daniel, easing the tension a little bit. Jonah looks at me again a little worried but I mouth that I'm fine and he nods his head. Tate turns and looks at me letting me know that she's here for me. We all go to the airport so they can say goodbye to us.

"Bye y/n," says Zach, "we should all hang out again once we get back."

"Of course," I laugh.

"I'll beat Daniel up if he hurts you again," whispers Corbyn as he hugs me.

"I'll hold you to that," I say.

"See you later," Jack says, "keep an eye on Gabbie."

"Will do," I wink.

Jonah lets Tate say goodbye to the others and comes to talk to me.

"You guys made up?" He asks.

"Kind of. We're going to try," I say.

"I promise I'll watch him better this time. I'm sorry I didn't before," Jonah says.

"It's okay. You don't have to baby sit him. He knows what'll happen if he pulls something like this again," I sigh.

"He'd be crazy to lose you. You make him better. I haven't seen Daniel this consistently happy in a while and it seems like he makes you better too," Jonah says.

"I like him more than I'd like to admit," i say looking over at Daniel playing with a little boy.

Jonah hugs me goodbye and goes back over to Tate. Daniel stops playing with the boy and walks over to me with his head a little low.

"I'm going to miss you," he says softly.

"Me too," I sigh.

"I promise I won't do anything again," he says.

"You better not," I warn.

"I'm really sorry. I'm so truly sorry," he apologizes.

"I'm sorry too," I say.

"No don't be sorry. You did nothing wrong," he says.

"I got jealous. I wasn't even your girlfriend so it's not like you cheated. It wasn't fair of me to get that angry with you and I'm sorry," I apologize.

"I still shouldn't have done that," he says, "if I could go back I would never have done it."

"I know," I say placing my hand on his cheek, "I forgive you."

He takes my hand off his cheek and kisses it.

"I love you," he says.

I smile and kiss his cheek. I'm not quite ready to love him yet, but I'm falling for him. I'm falling hard.

He pulls me into a kiss and then into a tight embrace. Tate and Jonah break us out of our hold and tells us we need to get going. I kiss Daniel one last time before going to security.

Tate and I get on the plane and head back to New York. She sleeps for a little bit and wakes up when the flight attendant comes around with some snacks.

"So what are you going to do about Daniel?" She asks.

"Give him another chance," I say doubtfully.

"Does he deserve that? I mean, he cheated," she says.

"Well, he didn't really. We weren't in a relationship so technically he was free to do whatever he wanted with any girl," I say defending him.

"Y/n, i know it might not have technically been cheating but he really hurt you. I just want to make sure you're sure you want to give him a second chance. Do you love him?" She asks.

"I want to give him another chance, give us another chance," I say.

"Do you love him?" She asks again.

Thankfully, before I can respond the flight attendant asks for our drink orders and Tate lets it go. I don't know if I'm in love with Daniel like he is with me but I'm falling for him. I know that.

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