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"O Estrella, I just love Halloween!" Lyra was bouncing on the balls of her feet in excitement.
"Really?" I asked. "I don't much like it." I replied.

I was in the owlery  writing a letter to daphne.

Dear daphne.
I'm so happy for you! I have also made some new friends, Lyra and Leo riddle, they're really nice and I'm kind of excited for this Halloween but it won't be the same without you. When are you coming back again? I really miss you!
Sincerely Estrella.

As I was walking down the hallway from the owlery I was reading my book and heading to the library to get another one. I wasn't looking, and suddenly crash!
I dropped my book and fell to the floor,
"Sorry about that mate," came a boys voice from above me and a hand appeared in front of my face, I took it and was swung to my feet. But a little bit of my cloak was lifted up revealing a bit of my dark mark. I quickly pulled it down but it was too late they had seen something. 
"Well if it isn't snape." Fred laughed.
"Whatcha readin?" George asked bending down to pick up my book.
"Just a book." I hastily replied, reaching for it.
"A journal, hey? I think we may read this Freddie, wadaya say?" His brother smirked and they both tore off down the hall.
"Weasley! Come back here now!" I screeched, but to no avail, they were to far ahead.
"Petrificus totalus!" I yelled and they came to an abrupt stop. I walked forward  and plucked the book out of George's hand.
"Thank you, I'll take take that! Have fun getting out boys!" I called over my shoulder, before continuing on my way to the library.
I exchanged the book for an old book called
I had gotten the idea on reading the book after I read about my mother being a shapeshifter.
A shapeshifter is a human who can shift into anything. It's closest relative the metamorphagus is similar in abilities except a metamorphagus can only change certain features where as a shapeshifter can shift into anything. From another person to any animal to even a quill or parchment a shapeshifter can do it all. It is said that a shapeshifter's easiest form to take is that of its patronus. But if a shifter cannot produce a patronus charm they cannot transform. Often times when a child is born of a shifter and a normal witch or wizard they will possess a different power as well, many times it's the ability to change their voice with their forms. And on a rare occasion they can predict the future or otherwise knows as a seer. But sometimes it's none of these and something entirely different. If you want to see if your a shifter or you already know that you are but you need to practice got to chapter 10: how to shift.
I bookmarked the chapter for later reading as I tried to take it in. Deciding I needed some air I walked to the Astronomy Tower so I could finally breathe. I sat in the edge with my feet hanging over and just looked up at the sky.

"Well hello Essstrella fancy sseeing you here." I spun around at the hiss to see Rapsel.
"Hey Rapsel, hows Shnita?"
"She'sss fine but she really missssesss you back at Sssspinnersss End. Sssay I haven't ssseen that Daphne girl around lately. Did you get in a fight or sssomething?"
"No, she left for a bit to mourn her mother and I really miss her, but I did make a new friend Lyra."
"Yessss I sssaw,"
"Creepy! Are you watching me?"
"Just don't let Filch catch you or you'll be Mrs. Norriss cat food!"
"Don't worry I'll be careful. I hear a rat calling my name from sssomewhere in the ssschool. Sssee you around Essstrella." And without waiting for an answer he slithered off.
Rude. I muttered. Realizing I was going to miss the Halloween feast, I shot up and raced to the hall.
"Where have you been Estrella? Leo was worried." Smirked Lyra, I felt a light blush dust my features but I quickly fought it off.
"I was just clearing my head, now enough talking more eating."
The feast was delicious to say the least, of course I didn't say so because that would be out of character.
I was walking beside Lyra and we were chatting about life when the person in front of us stopped dead. I looked up and gasped, the 'Golden trio' was standing by a wall and on that wall was some writing.
"The chamber of secrets has been opened... enemies of the heir beware?" I read allowed. What does that mean? My jaw dropped when I realized it was written in... wait, was that blood?
"They've killed my cat!" I heard Filch scream, that was when I realized that Mrs. Norris was indeed hanging from the wall above a pool of water.
"Relax Filch, she's just paralyzed." I suddenly felt really dizzy, what was wrong with me?
It felt like I was walking in slow motion and everyone around me sounded really far off. Scared, you began to run, ignoring Lyra who was calling after me.
My heart was pounding,
Bumpity, bump, bumpity, bump.
And all I could think about was,
"The chamber of secrets has been opened, enemies of the heir beware..."


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