Chapter 2 - New Worlds

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The forest was dark, which was to be expected, yet the countries seemed to be aware of just where they were headed. Meanwhile, I lagged behind as I followed them through the trees carefully watching my step. The ground was covered in leaves and one misstep could give me away.

Finally the two countries came to a stop as they entered a small clearing in the trees. I hide behind a tree observing their every move. However, all they did was stand still and wait as if expecting something to happen.

America looked down at the watch on his arm and looked back up. As if on cue, something in the surroundings started changing. I narrowed my eyes to just make out a mirage suddenly appearing in front of the countries.

I couldn't believe my eyes as I watched America usher Canada through the mirage. I watched as the canadian walked into the mirage and disappeared. America quickly followed behind.

After I was sure they had disappeared, I ran over to what I assumed was a portal of some kind and looked at the blurry outlines of the trees behind it. Slowly, I reached my hand out and watched it disappear into the portal.

Pulling my hand out, I leaned in to see if there was anything on the other side. As if my luck queued in at that second, I tripped falling head first into the portal my scream muffling as I left my world behind.


I screamed as I felt myself fall through the air. Suddenly, my face came into contact with something solid which I soon discovered to be a hard tile floor. Groaning I slowly pushed myself up rubbing my face. I lifted my eyes to look around and immediately froze.

In front of me, a group of country's gazes fell on me looking just as bewildered as I felt. I stared at the faces, or more so flags, recognizing America, Canada, Australia, Britain, Germany and a few others I couldn't make out.

My eyesight was starting to blur as a splitting headache overtook my mind. I groaned feeling the world go dizzy as I fell back onto the ground. I could hear panicked voices calling out all around me and saw the face of a familiar canadian leaning down as I closed my eyes allowing myself to fall into the dark abyss of silence.


"The rift won't open!"

"This is all because you screwed up once again letting another human fall into our world!"

"I screwed up?! How was I supposed to know there was someone falling us?"

"Well after last time I would have expected you to be, I don't know, a little bit more responsible for pete's sake!"

I slowly opened my eyes trying to drown out the yelling voices. The remantents of my headache still lingering. Lifting myself up I looked around, realizing that I was in some sort of cell. I sat up on the bed yawning slightly. I felt exhausted.

More yelling continued to echo through the hallways as I slowly got up steadying myself on the bed frame. Slowly, I walked forward to the bars locking me in. I grabbed them leaning my head to check out the rest of the place.

In front of me lay a plain brick wall. On either side was a couple of cells. On the right end of the hallway, a single door which I assumed was the way out of the cell block. I turned to the left noticing the lights on that end of the hallway were flickering while some were just turned off.

I narrowed my eyes looking further into the darkness. I could almost make out a shape. Gathering all the courage I had, I spoke, "I... I know you're there." Man my voice sounded like a 9 year old's.

As if to confirm my suspicions, a heard a small "hmp" from the hallway and watch as a figure slowly moved into the light.

"So you're awake. как мило. I thought I would have to stand here for hours."

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