Chapter 22 - G...G... GHOSTS?!

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I sat extremely still in the white chair resting my head on Japan's shoulders. He was so nice. He hadn't left my side ever since we left Germany's lab. Still tense from the whole experience, I let my eyes wander around the room.

We were in the lobby of an extremely fancy building. The walls were covered in bright maroon and gold patterns that had pillars scattered about. The entire room was circular and in the middle there was a reception desk. I looked down at the reflective floors whose shiny marble surface glistened back. It was quite different from the dusty lab I had been in earlier.

I must have flinched because Japan started rubbing circles on my back gently. I looked up at him to see him looking down with a soft smile.

"How are you feeling?"

"I'm doing better I guess..." I responded a bit tired. I'd read plenty of books and novels in which the main character comes across a gun or something of the sort and didn't even flinch when someone got shot. Sadly, I wasn't as brave as any one of those characters. I was absolutely terrified when I saw Germany pull out that gun.

I knew I would get over it eventually but the feeling of remembering every second that went by, sweat dripping, heart pounding, was enough to make me shiver in fear.

"That's good." Japan said.

We were sitting a little off to the side of the room in a lounge area. It was secluded and not many countries passed us.

We stayed there in silence and I started to close my eyes. My eyelids dropped and now I was just listening to the noises around me half asleep.

Japan's breathing.

Someone typing away on a laptop.


The hum of the elevator.

Louder footsteps.

Quiet echoes of whispers down the hall.

Even louder footsteps.

I peeked my eyes open to see a familiar organization approach us.

Japan almost jolted up but stopped when he realized I was still on him.

"Please, stay seated Japan. There is no need to stand." UN said holding up a hand. He looked around and settled down on the couch in front of us, his wings tucked comfortably behind him. I still hadn't gotten used to that feature.

The entire glow of his body and his magic aura was honestly a bit much to take in.

He must have noticed me staring because he smiled. In the blink of an eye, the wings and glow were gone.

"How are you doing (Y/N)?" He asked gently. I honestly didn't know how to answer. Cause I was fine. But I was also very much not okay,

"A little shaken up I guess." I spoke softly. I almost thought he hadn't heard me until he spoke up.

"Yes... I'm terribly sorry for what you had to experience. Honestly, I should have paid more attention in the first place when I heard a human had crossed over... again." UN looked down slightly distraught.

"No... no it's fine. I'm sure you're very busy... how's North Korea?" I blurted suddenly.

UN looked up with a tight frown. "Well, he's doing quite alright for the moment. He is a country so I expect him to be recovered fully in a week's time. We're just lucky nothing happened on Earth. I can't imagine what would happen if Germany went to war with him."

I gulped. Probably World War 3.

"Well sadly I can't say the same for Germany. It seems as if they're going through a slight recession back on Earth but everything will hopefully be fine."

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