Chapter 23 - Words Exchanged

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I sighed walking over to a chair across from the hospital bed and sat down facing the country. Germany looked better than the last time I had seen him yet still just as pale as before. The color of his flag were dulled and his face still had minor cracks.

Without his glasses, he seemed much less threatening and now I could point out the very obvious bags under his eyes. I wonder how much sleep he had lost.

"Why did you want to see me?" I asked coldly.

Germany sighed.

"I... I wanted to apologize. I don't know what got over me and everything I did to you... I treated you with utmost disrespect when all you did was try and aid me in my... experiment..." he said gulping.

I raised a brow at the country and rolled my eyes. "You are aware that your apology means shit to me right?"

Germany flinched but nodded. "Yes... I figured as much. I don't think anything I can say can make up for what all the stuff I have done to you and... everyone else."

"Germany you fu**ing shot North Korea! I'm not sure how stuff in your world works but from the little bit I do know, I know that you could have started ANOTHER WORLD WAR." I hollered grinding my teeth.

Germany didn't respond. His face held a look of pure sadness and regret. Any other person and I would have actually felt sorry for them. But for once I was just done with everything to do with this country.

I opened my mouth and continued. "You know, you put me through hell and back. You know what happened to America? You made me believe that it was all my fault but NO. It was YOURS. If you hadn't asked me to do your dirty work in the first place, America wouldn't have gotten hurt and would STILL BE MY FRIEND," I paused looking away, "he probably hates me now...."

Germany seemed to be struggling for words. "I... I'm..."

"You know I would kick you in the nuts if you weren't in a hospital bed right about now." I said already imagining the scenario. I will admit it was a bit messed up but strangely satisfying.

"I... I'd probably deserve that." Germany finally concluded with a frown. He avoided meeting my gaze. We sat there in silence unsure of what else could be said. The ticking from the clock above the door suddenly became the prominent sound in the room.

"Can... can I ask you something?" Germany spoke up.

"Dude I don't think I want to answer any of your questions but due to the circumstances and since you are in a hospital bed, fine. What?" I sassed.

"Why'd you do it? Why'd you help me in the end?"

"Obviously because I-" I paused taking a second to think about what he had just asked me. Yes it was true that I had been scared and yes it was true that he had had a gun but... even so I still could have chosen to not press the button.

"Um... because..." I sighed, lowering my voice. "Because I don't think I had the right to keep you from seeing your brother. I mean... if I lost someone close to me and I had the chance to save them or bring them back... then heck yeah I would take it." I coughed speaking normally.

"Plus you said please and were crying. I'm a sympathetic person." I finished crossing my arms. I looked up to see a small smile on Germany's face as he chuckled.

"Well, thank you. For doing that for me. I know I didn't deserve it. But... seeing East again. It felt like for once in a long long time, everything was bright again. Like everything would be okay." Germany said looking away tears threatening to flow from his eyes.

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