Chapter 6 - Skyline

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I woke up and almost panicked at the sight of an unfamiliar bed. I took a minute to look around as the memories of the previous day flooded into me. I rubbed my eyes and yawned as I looked around.

The dresser on my right immediately caught my eye. Slowly, I slipped out of the bed and walked over to a pile of clothes and the note that was kept on the top of the mount.

I picked it up and read it.

"Morning (Y/N),

I got you some fresh clothes since I noticed that you were still in your old clothes when I came in."

I looked down at my attire to notice that I still wore the same outfit that I had on the previous day. Grateful for a change of clothes, I continued reading:

"I would have greeted you personally however me and America had a meeting to attend. I hope you understand. America called up one of his states to spend the day with you so hopefully you won't be alone all day.

We'll see you later tonight!



I put down the note wondering which one of the states I would be meeting. I took the clothes and headed to the bathroom and changed. When I exited, I had on a simple white hoodie and a pair of ripped jeans. Surprisingly, the clothes fit perfectly and I was just glad it did.

Slowly I exited the room and was immediately blasted by the smell of pancakes. My stomach growled as I made my way to the kitchen were a single state was cooking up the delicious breakfast.

Upon hearing my footsteps, they turned around and smiled.

"Oh hey! Good morning. You must me (Y/N). I'm Delaware," he said sticking out a hand. I grabbed his hand and shook it nodding a greeting. My eyes flickered to the pancakes.

Delaware noticed this and let out a small laugh.

"You must be hungry huh? Why don't you sit down at the table and I'll get you a plate." He suggested.

"Do you need any help?" I asked politely. Delaware immediately waved me off claiming that I was a guest and that I shouldn't have to help. Reluctantly, I went and sat down as Delaware brought out a plate of pancakes beautifully topped with whipped cream and strawberries.

As I dove in, my eyes widened as my mouth was filled with flavor.

"It's really good!" I said as Delaware plopped into the seat in front of me.

He smiled. "Of course they are. Anything paired with strawberries is delicious!"

I laughed. Quickly, I finished of the stack and rushed the plate to the sink before Delaware could stop me. I really wanted to carry my own weight for my time here. From everything America told me last night, I had decided that I wouldn't be any more of a burden than I already was.

"So..." I started walking back to the table where Delaware was scrolling through his phone. He looked up as I approach and smiled.

"So... what do you wanna do today?" He asked.

"Um... I don't know... I'm still trying to take all this in," I said nervously.

"Well then, why don't I show you around my world? Since you're here, it might be a good idea for you to know your way around. Just incase." Delaware said winking. He stood up and ushered me to follow him.

We exited through the door and walked over to a blue BMW convertible. Delaware got into the driver's seat and ushered me to passenger's seat. I got in and watched as he pulled out a pair of sunglasses and put them on.

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