Chapter 20 - Bullets

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I sat quietly curled up against the glass cage which Germany had been in. The country who I had just assaulted was now sitting against the wall with his hands and legs tied up. His mouth had a gag on it and so he wasn't speaking.

Germany shrugged past me walking back and forth. After much yelling, he had gotten my attention asking me to let him out. After I found out the identity of the country that I had just attacked, I was more than happy to let him out.

North Korea was glaring daggers at the two of us. I shivered remembering a documentary I had watched one year in class about that country. It had been sickening and so disturbing. I don't know why I was so scared of the countryhuman though. If he had wanted to hurt me I was sure he would have done so by now.

I looked up at Germany who looked just as surprised as I felt. He was trying to decide what to do with North. It was obvious Germany didn't want him around during the experiment but I also knew he wouldn't be letting him go anywhere.

I pushed my feet up to my chest and sighed watching as the country mumbled to himself and walked over to the control panels. He stared at the bar on the screen with a strange longing.

Suddenly, he whipped around, marched over to North and removed his gag harshly.

North spat at him as the gag came off.

"About DAMN time." He said eyes burning with hatred.

"Shut up. How the hell did you get in here?" Germany asked towering over North.

"Like I'd tell." North chuckled. Germany clenched his teeth and quickly walked over to a table. He picked up an item and brought it to North pointing it at his head.

I gasped realizing it was a gun.

"Germany no!" I said jumping up. I wasn't sure how wars worked in this world but I knew I couldn't let him shoot the other country.

"Sit down (Y/N), this is none of your business." Germany growled eyeing me.

"Yeah (Y/N), why don't you be a good dog and sit down. Maybe later Germany will play fetch with you." North smirked.

"And you! Answer my question or I'll blow your brains out." Germany threatened, turning off the safety of the gun. I slowly sunk back down scared of what would happen. I looked over at North to see a drop of sweat go down his face.

"Germany you won't shoot me... you can't dare risk starting another war after that last one." North said somewhat confidently.

Germany simply pressed the gun deeper into North's head menacingly.

"Answer the question or I will pull the trigger." He said.

North tensed up and I saw Germany's fingers start to push down lightly on the trigger.

"FINE! I followed you here a couple nights ago cause I suspected you were up to something after you seemed so interested in what Carileth had left behind! It wasn't hard to figure out the passcode to your lab. The hardest part was finding the entrance but you basically led me to it. I came down a couple of hours ago cause I thought you would be working late. Guess I was wrong."

"But why do you care?!" I blurted out from where I was. North shot me a nasty look.

"Because the last time a certain country was resurrected, it didn't end well for a lot of us. Especially not for my brother. And I'm going to assume whoever you're trying to bring back might also go on a rampage."

"East wouldn't do any such thing!" Germany growled.

"Yes but we didn't know Soviet would try to put a bullet through Britain's head now did we?" North scowled back sarcastically.

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