Starbucks Trip and the Plan

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~Allie's POV~

After the guys realized it would be awkward to play spin the bottle with only one girl then we just decided to go to sleep. We all changed into pajama's and feel asleep all over the living room. Some of the guys were actually cuddling...weird. Whatever. I woke up at 5:30 like every morning and woke up my dad so he could go to work. Ever since mom died then he has trouble getting up in the morning.

"Good morning sweetheart. Are the boys still staying here until the week after your birthday?" my dad asked getting up and walking over to me kissing my forehead.

"Yeah, as long as it's alright with you of course daddy," I said kissing his cheek. Don't look at me like that, so what if I still call my dad 'daddy'?

"Of course, its nice to see you be so happy." he said going out of his room and downstairs to make his cup of coffee like every morning. For a couple months, almost a year actually, then I would barely talk to anyone and if I did then it was either bluntly or very brief. I blocked out almost everyone and my dad was always stressed because of it. It hurt but then I realized I needed to talk to someone, that's when everything was getting better.

"Its nice for me also. I think I'm gonna change and go take a trip to Starbucks. I'll see you at six tonight? I'll make spaghetti, your favorite." I said sitting on the counter of the island in the kitchen, like I do every morning. I actually take online school, that's why I'm not worried about 'missing a day' of school on a Wednesday.

"That's perfect, what's the occasion?" he asked. Only I know this but this day, only three years ago, was the day I vowed I wouldn't get that low again, that I would let people in and be more open.

"No reason, I'm gonna get changed but I'll be back down before you leave for work. I love you." I said getting off the counter and going upstairs but not before I heard my dad say an 'I love you' back.

I went into my room and changed into some grey sweatpants, a blue superman tank, blue vans with red laces and a blue superman snap-back. I left my blonde hair in wavy curls and I never use makeup so that's not a problem. I grabbed my phone (a white iPhone 4s with a superman case, of course) and my car keys and headed downstairs. My dad was in his work attire (he's a journalist for a newspaper company so it's suit-like) and he was standing by the door waiting for me. I gave him a kiss on the cheek and he gave me a kiss on the forehead, we exchanged 'I love you's and 'be safe's and then he left.

"Is that a routine for you two?" a voice said behind me making me jump.

"God damn it Jack, you scared the living shit out of me! And yeah, but it's only in the morning." I explained to Jack J who was chuckling from my little scare.

"Where're you going?" he asked looking at the keys in my hand. Which reminds me that I need my wallet since I also have to go to the store for tonight's meal.

"Starbucks then the grocery store. Wanna come?" I asked him going in the living room and going up to the desk and grabbed my wallet and took $100 and stuffed into my bra. Jack J followed me and grabbed his phone while replying with a yeah. He was in black sweatpants, a red tank and a red snap-back that had 'OBEY' on it in blue and he put it backwards, he was also wearing blue vans like me. I suddenly had an awesome idea!

I grabbed a pen and paper and wrote a note for the boys. It read:

Dear Bois,

Jack J and I are going to Starbucks and the grocery store and hanging out all day. We'll be back by around 4 or 5, by the way we're having my special spaghetti tonight for dinner. I'm spending a day with each of you individually until the day before my birthday. Tomorrow then it's Jack G's day, I'll make a list for the rest of the days. DON'T DESTROY THE HOUSE OR YOU DIE!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2014 ⏰

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