😩I cannot be with you😔

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Hey guys, I'm back :) I took some time off cause i wasn't feeling okay at the time but here's a little angst for you guys


Lisa's POV

You are my friend, I know.

I shouldn't have feelings for you, I know.

Back then, I thought I was just a bit fond of you.

I kept on hyping you up whenever you feel down.

I kept on making a fool out of myself just to make you laugh.

I kept on accompanying you wherever you go because I love it whenever I'm with you.

Sleepless nights is what I get when I study all night about a lesson in Accounting that our professor did not properly explain. I patiently tried to understand the lesson just for you. Just so I could teach you the next day. Just so I could have an excuse to stay beside you throughout the whole day.

I thought I was just a very proud friend whenever you join pageants in and out of school premises.

I thought I just really loved your company.

What I did not know was— I was starting to fall for you.

I wanted to touch your hair, feel your skin against mine, but I couldn't do it. I'm afraid you might notice my growing feelings for you.

Our friends noticed that I was getting clingy to you.

They noticed that I kept on saying your name whenever you're not around.

I got afraid.

Afraid that they might notice my true feelings for you.

I know they are our close friends, but I cannot find myself telling them what I feel about you.

Heck, I couldn't even tell you.

I tried to distance myself from you, so that the feelings would go away.

Weeks passed by and you noticed the space I have created between us.

You tried to reach out and I let you.

'Cause I'm a fool. Fool for you.

All the feelings I was trying to erase, all came back the second my name came out from your pink, full, lips.


Days have passed, we became close again, almost unseperable.

My feelings grew, a lot more than before.

One day, when we were at your room, I finally had the courage to tell you about what I feel.

"Jennie, I like—"But suddenly, the door to your room opened, revealing a huge teddy bear being carried by a person.

The teddy bear was so big, it hid the person's face behind it.

We both took the bear from the person's grip and there- your boyfriend whom you haven't seen for years was smiling with a flower in between his teeth.

The words I was meaning to tell you that day vanished when I saw the way your eyes shined when you saw your boyfriend.

Upon seeing you both hugging each other happily......

I was reminded again why

I cannot be with you

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