Just A Treat [M]

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Credits to the original author


"Hey, Nini, how are the cobwebs coming?" Lisa stepped out of the restroom after putting the finishing touches on the makeup – thick, black stripes under her eyes – to complete her quarterback costume.

She'd already rigged the jack-o-lanterns on the porch with little flickering lights, filled the bowl of candy next to the door, and made sure the coolers stocked with various beverages around the house were filled with fresh ice.

Jennie was in charge of decorating inside, and the cobwebs were the final element to add to the atmosphere of the room.

"Great, Lisa, I'm almost finished!" Jennie stood on her tiptoes on a short step ladder, reaching above her head to affix the pulled cotton across the top of a tall bookcase. "Would you hand me a couple of those spiders from the bag please?" "Sure." Lisa mumbled, barely registering her girlfriend's question.

The diva's pleated skirt rode up as the girl stretched, exposing a smooth, muscular thigh and the curve of a bare bottom. Dear lord save me, she isn't wearing the spanx. Lisa could feel her cock twitch and wished she hadn't bothered with the authenticity of a cup, even if it did mean she could avoid taping for the evening. She licked her lips, moving closer with her eyes glued to that tempting sliver of skin.


"Yeah, Nini?"

Lisa tore her gaze away from her girlfriend's pert bottom to find dark eyes twinkling at her with amusement.

"The spiders, Lisa?" Jennie smirked slightly, knowing exactly what had distracted her lover and taking full enjoyment of the fact that she could have such an effect on the girl.

"Huh? Oh! Yeah, spiders, sure, here you go." Lisa had the grace to blush slightly at her obvious distraction and quickly pulled a couple of plastic critters out of the bag to hand to her girlfriend. Rather than returning her hand to her side after making the delivery, Lisa paused to explore under the red pleats of the brunette's cheerleading costume.

Delicate fingertips traced the curve of the girl's small ass before palming the firm globe to squeeze just so. The cup inside her football pants was becoming uncomfortable, her hardening dick pushing against the unyielding plastic.

"There, all done!" Jennie proclaimed, placing the two spiders in the cotton webbing. "Although it looks like you're just getting started."

"Mm-hmm, and it looks like you're at just the right height... you should turn around." Lisa swiped her fingers between her girlfriend's legs, collecting a bit of moisture and eliciting a shiver from the other girl. "You think so, hmm?" the diva wasted no time turning in place on the step ladder, pleated skirt swaying to offer a teasing glimpse of a freshly waxed pussy.

Lisa groaned at the sight and leaned in to nibble at smooth outer lips, tongue dipping between wet folds. Jennie whimpered and clutched at Lisa's shoulderpads for balance, knees buckling at the first touch of the warm, wet muscle to her sensitive core. She hadn't waxed for a while, normally opting to keep her curls neatly trimmed, and the increased sensitivity from the fresh wax had her embarrassingly close to orgasm already.

"Fuck, baby, you're so wet already." Lisa murmured against Jennie's swollen clit. She stuck her tongue out to rub the tip of the nub, coaxing it from its hood. Jennie cried out, a small climax rippling through her at the touch, her hips pressing into Lisa's perfect face, hands threading through silver locks to push the girl against her core.

"God, Lisa, yes... mmn, I want... ungh, I want your tongue in me." Jennie moaned, barely able to speak through the raw pleasure of her clit being battered by her lover's talented tongue. Lisa's fingers dug into her girlfriend's taut little ass, her abdomen clenching at the diva's words.

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