Baby, Its Cold Outside [M]

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Credits to the original author

Well ig ima change up my oneshots ;)

Hope you enjoy this chaesoo enthusiasts


Chaeyoung's POV

18 fucking degrees. That's how cold it was outside at the moment. Me and my partner of 3 years, Jisoo, got into yet another fight and right now, she's outside punching a snowman we made, having her usual little temper tantrum. What even caused the fight this time, I couldn't even tell you. We fight over stupid things mostly.

About 30 minutes, I walk over to her and put my hands on her face and force her to look at me.

"Babe, It's cold outside. Let's go in and warm up." I say softly, looking at her gently. She was breathing heavy and nods slowly. I help her out of the snow and bring her inside, she was so cold. I started to worry is she got hypothermia.

I lay her on the couch and cover her with blankets. The fight was pointless and I knew it wouldn't really be talked about again. I kiss her forehead and left to get some hot chocolate. I jumped at the feel of cold hands touching my sides. Jisoo leans her head down and kisses my neck.

"Mmmm choco. But I can think of other ways to get warm." She whispers in my ear before sucking on my neck gently. I moaned softly and tilted my head the other way to give her more access. It was different, we haven't gone past kissing, maybe making out. I take a harsh breath in and take the mug out of the microwave filled with warm milk.

"Jisoo, we haven't done anything like this, are you sure you want to do this?" I asked as I put the powder in the mug and stir. Yes, even after being together, we haven't gone any further than making out with occasional groping. It wasn't really because one of us didn't want to more than the other, it was a mutual thing. She moves a little closer and I feel her touching my ass even through all of the extra clothing.

"Oh, I'm sure. Are you?" She asks, slightly gripping my ass, rubbing it gently. I moan out and nod gently. She turns me around and kisses me, and it was gentle at first. She bit my lip gently, asking for an entrance. I quickly allowed her in and her tongue meets mine and she growls. That sound makes me weak in the knees, and Jisoo could tell as she picked me up and placed me on the counter. She steps between my legs and I wrap them around her waist.

She places her hands on my thighs as I rake my fingers through her hair. I gently tug on it and she sucks my tongue into her mouth, rewarding a moan from me.

"So responsive". She murmurs and kisses down my jaw to my neck, stopping where my neck and collarbone met and sucked on it harshly. By now, I'm panting harshly and I pull her closer to me. She chuckles softly and nibbles on the skin, knowing I see my ex-boyfriend at work tomorrow.

"Can we take this upstairs?" I ask breathlessly, feeling really hot in all the clothes I have on. She nods and picks me up, wrapping my legs around her waist as she takes me to our room while kissing me roughly on the lips. I felt myself being pushed against the wall as she grinds against me. "Jesus Christ" I breath out and I bite my lip. She smiles and gently lays me on the bed and looks down on me. I bite my lip again and pull off her sweatshirt and undershirt, leaving her torso bare. I have to sit back and stare for a minute. She's not totally buff but she's so perfect for me.

"Like what you see?" She asks and smirks as I nod. I reach up to touch her but she puts my hands above my head. "No, no baby girl. Tonight is all about you." She says and pulls off my long sleeve shirt, leaving me in my bra and leggings. "God, you're so perfect." She groans out loud and I swear it was sexier than the growl. She leans down and kisses the top of my boobs, sucking on them and leaving hickeys all over them without ever taking off my bra.

I reached behind me and unhook my bra, slowly pulling it off. My heart was beating a mile a minute as I did so. Jisoo's eyes filled with lust as she looks down at me and licked her lips. She leaned down and took a nipple in her mouth, touching the other one while she sucked on my other. I was a moaning mess, squirming and pushing myself closer to her.

I was getting wetter by the minute and I think Jisoo could tell as she slowly ran her hand down to my core and cupped my sex gently, pushing into it and rubbing it slowly. She slowly slides her hand into my underwear and she touches my clit gently. I moan loudly and raises my hips to her hand. She smirks and slides a finger into me gently, stretching me a bit. I wince at the pressure a bit and as soon as she moved her finger, all I feel is pleasure. I moan louder than I have yet and I reach down to pull off my leggings and underwear.

"Eager are we?" Jisoo asks with a smirk and I kiss her roughly. She continued her assault with her finger and I felt her add another.

"Holy shit." I moan out and lay my head back against my pillow. She takes her finger out and sucks on them."Mmm baby girl, you taste so good." She says and goes down and licks my slit gently. Oh fucking God! I think and feel an unfamiliar tightening in my stomach. She sucks on my clit and slides her tongue inside of me. I moan out again and grinds myself against her face gently. She then slides her fingers again while sucking on my clit.

"Oh my.... I'm gonna cum." I moan out and touch my breasts. She goes faster of her assault and I feel the world crashing down against me as I came into her mouth and on her hands. I breathe heavily and fast as Jisoo comes up from my legs smirking, feeling the rush of euphoria course through my veins."It should be cold all the time." She says and I laugh, pulling her up to kiss her. She smirks into the kiss as I reach up and pull off her thermal, tossing it somewhere in the room that would be forgotten for the time being. She shivers slightly at the cold air around her but pulls the blanket up over us and breathes heavily into my neck.

My fingers trace her bare skin, running over her baby fats. That was always something that I loved about her, she wasn't overly toned and buff. Because not all people have to have rock hard abs to be loved, that's what I tell her every time she gets insecure about it. My fingers ghost over her bulge in her sweatpants as she releases a soft moan in response. Her moans are the hottest thing I have ever heard, low and soft with a soft whimper to them.

The sounds were shot straight to my core as I reach my hand into her pants and were met with a hard and thick cock. We both released a mix between a moan and a groan as I gently start stroking her off, her throbbing in my hand. She wasn't overly big but she was above average. But it's not about the size, it's how she uses it.

She swiftly takes off her pants, of course, not wearing anything underneath and reaches over the bedstand, taking one of the solo condoms she had and rolls it onto herself. We were both done with foreplay as I just wanted her inside of me. She lines herself up with me and looks into my eyes.

"Are you ready?" She asks in a low, husky tone. I shivered slightly and nodded. She places her lips on mine as she entered me, slowly so she wouldn't hurt me. There was a slight discomfort as she pushed into me and I flinched, my face scrunching up in pain. She stopped when she was fully in me and looks into my eyes, caressing my face to make sure I was okay. After a few minutes, the pain and discomfort became bearable and I nodded, encouraging her to move. She slowly moved, thrusting in and out of me slowly as the pain quickly became pleasurable. She started speeding up a bit when she heard the soft moans leaving my lips, quickly thrusting into me as we both became moaning messes.

After what seemed like only minutes, I felt that tightening in my stomach start again and I whine, Jisoo hitting my sweet spot every time after moving her hips around to find it. She was whispering dirty words into my ear as well as sweet nothings.

"C-Close.." was the first word I was able to form after everything and she groaned, feeling myself tighten around her."Me too baby, me too" she groaned and reached between us, rubbing my clit as she continued to thrust into me, getting sloppy after a few minutes. The tightening in my stomach came faster than I was prepared for and I moaned out her name, cumming with her still in me. Not a moment later, she releases herself in the condom and groaned softly stilling and shudders. After what seemed like years, she pulled out and got up throwing away the condom as I walked slowly to the bathroom, cleaning myself up and taking care of some things. When I came out, I laid next to her and she pulled me close to her.

"I love you, Chaeyoung."

"I love you too, Jisoo."


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