
208 12 25

Credits to the original author


"L-Lisa, I..." Jennie calmed herself.

Break time, Jennie was about to confess something to Lisa, again.

She tried it before but nervousness always came after her.

"Yes?" Lisa waited for what she was about to say.

"Uhmm— I.."'Shit.' Jennie thought, she can't do it, definitely can't.

Then the bell rang.

"Oh it's Math time already, maybe you can tell it later?" Lisa asked.

Jennie just nodded. "Y-yeah sure. See you Lili."

Lisa playfully kissed her cheeks. "Laters Nini."

Now she find it harder to confess.


"So what do you want to say again?" Lisa asked after she finished her ice cream.

"Ah.. yeah about that—" Jennie sighed deeply, trying to get some strength. "I-I.."

"Hmmm?" Lisa leaned closer to her.

"I..."Lisa waited for her word.

"I don't love you anymore."


"Let's break up." She added.

A/N ahhh I'm sorry I just felt like putting angst today, hope I didn't make u sad

I'm open for recommendations please dm me :)

Love you guys
- M

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