Backseat [M]

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Credits to the original author

(A/N) I suggest you listen to 'Earned it' by The Weekend


Jennie's POV:

"Who is this again?"

I stared at Lisa in complete disbelief that she had no idea who this song was by.

The look on my face must've offended her, and it should, because out of all of us I agreed Lisa had the best taste in music. But here she was, listening to The Weeknd with a look of confusion on her face.

I groaned, "You don't know his voice? God Lisa, who are you?"

"Don't even go there, I don't listen to the radio.

"Rolling my brown eyes I resettled in the passenger seat, wondering how on earth Lisa hadn't recognized him. She was slacking in the pop music department if I had to say so myself.

"So who is it, Jennie?"

I replied with a hint of annoyance, "The Weeknd."

I was hoping for a look of realization, like a eureka! moment but nothing. I shook my head, turning on "Earned It" while waiting for her reaction. As soon as the intro played through the speakers the look I had waited for appeared on Lisa's features. Those amazing eyes lit up under the stoplight we were currently waiting at. We were on our way to pick up the other girls who were on the town, and even though she and I had agreed to stay in we had also obliged to pick them up after they were finished.

"Oh, I know him... never mind. Now I feel stupid."

I laughed, "You should."

Those dark burning eyes fell onto me, my heart stopping for a split second while one of her hands fell onto my thigh. It ignited a sense of euphoria somewhere deep down, something that of course made me crave the brunette staring at me.

But sadly the light changed to green and her attention was forced back to the dimly lit road.

My heart sighed with sadness, wishing just for a second that she would pull the car over and have her way with me. It had been way too long since the last time I had the pleasure. Had it been a month? Two months? I wasn't sure, but for some odd reason watching her drive was actually managing to turn me on.

I eyed her hands, those slender fingers wrapped tightly around the leather of the steering wheel. The veins on her hands were even sexy, and I could tell her nails had been freshly groomed. Short and filed down, black with polish. Lisa gripped the wheel tighter, the muscles flexing throughout her wrist. I felt myself swallow with anticipation, wondering how something so small and subtle could make me so... hot.

"This music makes me want to fuck." Lisa opinionated, and it was like music to my ears.

Why would she say something like that knowing it had been so long since the last time we had been together? Was she trying to tease me? Turn me on?

Her eyes snapped to mine then, as if she had read my mind, and then a tiny smirk played on those full lips. I swallowed again, this time a bubble of nerves forming in my stomach, I tried to say something witty and sexy, or alluring but nothing came out of my mouth.

God Jennie, still a dork...Lisa took this as an opportunity to tease me further. "Does this music turn you on? Is that why you showed it to me?"

Is that why I had shown it to her? I mean it was obvious this music was made to fuck, but was that my intention when I had turned it on? The idea was great in my opinion, and it seemed to be working because she was now going under the speed limit, as if she was hinting at something.

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