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A warm night was upon the forest, the moonlight would always shine through the dense trees. Things happened to be as quiet as they normally were, pokemon scurrying around foraging for food or whatever they need before heading back to their dens as the nocturnal pokemon were starting to rise from their daytime sleep.

Nothing seemed to be going wrong, that was at least until midnight came. Whoever was out at this time of night, disappeared from sight.

A pichu, running faster than her small feet could move, tripped over, falling on her face with a loud thump.

"M-mom!" She cried, only to have no one answer.

The sound of crunching leaves and falling twigs lingered not far behind. The pichu felt helpless so much that her limbs became numb. The sound came closer.

The silhouette of a large animal could be seen not far away.

The pichu cried out again as loud as she could, the silhouette of the creature was finally revealed as it stepped where the moonlight shined its brightest.

The animal, was something that most called the animal from hell. A houndoom.

This houndoom was...different, though. His horns not only gleamed from the moonlight but they were glowing with the essence of what seemed like a blue aura so were the other skeleton parts the houndoom had.

A red symbol, was engraved on his forehead. Not that anyone here cared nor knew what that symbol actually meant.

Around here, all that mattered was that if a houndoom lurked near, get the heck out of there!

The houndoom did not make any movement towards the pichu who only sat there and cried.

Dusk, was this houndoom's name. His fur darker than a night without stars. His claws and size alone made it look like he could slice through any pokemon with pure ease.

Despite those facts, his plan wasn't to hurt the poor pichu at all.

He could see the fear in her eyes, oddly enough, that's the main detail that he focused on. He felt as if he felt that emotion before too.

Dusk slowly advanced towards the pokemon, of course this made the pichu more frightened.

"P-Please don't h-hurt me!" The tiny mouse sobbed. Dusk only walked over to her, nudging the pichu with his nose to help her up to her feet.

The small mouse gazed at Dusk, her face still giving a look of fear, but this time, with confusion. She didn't understand, she thought that she would surely be mauled, instead the pichu only received the houndoom's mercy.

Dusk was about to walk off, but before the situation could have been said and done, a raichu pounced onto the scene, who happened to be the pichu's mother.

"Get away from her, you dog from hell!" The raichu screamed, releasing a powerful thunder attack towards Dusk, which was coming in fast. The hound seemed to make no attempt to dodge.

The thunder struck Dusk, who took the whole attack, grunting.

Dusk hit the ground, his fur giving off smoke. Seeing that the dog was not getting up, the raichu grabbed her offspring, dashing off into the depths of the forest.

As the raichu carried her, the pichu looked back towards Dusk, who seemed to be unconscious.

Soon as the two electric types were disappeared, Dusk's eyes slowly opened.

The canine raised his head and stood up to his four paws. It was like he didn't take any damage at all. Though, his fur was still giving off smoke. He had his own remedy for that.

Dusk faced towards his body, starting to breath across his fur. The bristles of his fur started to freeze unnaturally, his singed fur was encased in ice. It was supernatural for a houndoom.

The canine shook his fur out, making ice shards scatter everywhere, stabbing into the surrounding trees and rocks. Now it was really like he wasn't attacked at all.

This wasn't just any houndoom, as if he wasn't already an outcast. An untold mystery of this houndoom was that he was never able to spit flames like others of his kind. Of course, this did not mean that he was weak.

In fact, it was the exact opposite. He was actually considered the strongest Pokemon in the forest, yet he wouldn't bother to show it.

He was the outcast of this forest, wherever he went it seems, no friends or family. He didn't have anyone to look out for and he was the only one who could look out for himself...

It was no easy life, and things would surely not get easier as time went on, but it was his life. The life of the Midnight Hound.

Author's Note: So...the actual story chapters will be longer than this, as this is only a prologue, mainly meant to give a bit of insight on Dusk, who is the main character. The story will get better later on, with more action, adventure, and...mature content.

Thanks for reading and if you wish, leave feedback.

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