chapter 6 character info

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Chapter : (No son, not a chapter.)

In celebration of completing part one to this story finally and preparing for part two, (where all the action is supposedly supposed to happen) I'm just gonna tell a few facts and things you should know about the current main characters.

Dusk: A chill Houndoom who didn't even know what he really wanted out of life nor his purpose in it. He not only uses his strength but his mind to conquer any challenge. He is extremely passionate about fighting for the few friends that he actually has and wouldn't know what he still would be doing without them. (I'm sure you knew that.) But I bet you didn't know, (Or maybe you did.) His role in the story was much different than how it finally turned out. He first started out as a roleplaying character who I honestly just ripped from a pic I drew of a Houndoom way back when. I kept roleplaying with him, getting more and more into his character development as the time passed. Eventually his type was even changed, as he was at first a normal Houndoom with fire ability, he was changed to be a little after another character who you'll never meet on this site. (Because it's fanfiction.) As for his story, the original name for it was supposed to be named after Dusk himself and i'm too lazy to type type out that crap. Plus he was actually supposed to be much less brooding of a character and wasn't treated like crap by everyone he met. For now that's all I can say about his history.

Age Range: 17 to possibly 20.

Height: 4'8''

Species: Houndoom

Gender: Male

Weight: 122 lbs

Eye Color: Red

Ray: A small, energetic puppy who will follow Dusk wherever he goes, it is possible that the two are like best friends at some point. He doesn't really know how to fight or anything yet, but he still has a lot of spirit and attitude for quite a tiny pup and he is the brother of Silver. Though he is a shiny Vulpix in this story he was originally meant to be a silver furred puppy version of a Ninetales with red eyes. His role didn't really change compared to the original story, he's more or less based on one of my closest friends and that's about all there is to say about him.

Age Range: 11 to possibly 13

Height: 2'10''

Species: Vulpix

Gender: Male

Weight: 47 lbs

Eye Color: Blue

Silver: A nice and kind Lycanroc who will always protect her brother whenever she has to. She also seemed to be somewhat shy when she and Dusk met face to face but she's usually out going. Nothing is yet known about the way she handles fights yet but she is somewhat around Dusk in terms of speed who can easily surpass a Manectric. Also she does seem to have a bit of a crush on Dusk as well as he does, either of them know though ha ha. A surprise about her history is the fact there wasn't anything. You see, the only reason she's into this story now is because I felt like I had to replace her predecessor to her current role, as the older character did not have the specific right personality for the newer version of this story. Other than that, that is generally it. She's here now and honestly has come to be my favorite character of the story!

Age Range: 16 to possibly 18

Height: 3'11 (Basically screw Pokemon heights they're bull shit.)

Species: Midday Lycanroc

Gender: Female

Weight: 96 lbs

Eye Color: Sky Blue (OMG I love them. Yeah, you're gonna hear a lot of my bitching about this for pretty much this whole thing. So sorry about that)

Shadow: A cool and secretive like Mightyena, and he acts pretty nice besides what you would hear about most Mightyena. He is a kind soul with obviously some high tier skills that can even take Dusk by surprise. Honestly he might be my second favorite character soon. There isn't much history to him however. I guess the idea for this came up when I roleplayed in the past, when that was apparently a thing. The Bite/Dark Pokemon war has already passed in said roleplays but Shadow never was an existent character until I started writing the last chapter. Still I like seeing him generally interacting with Dusk in the story and even I am actually still wondering if or when he will ever come back.

Age Range: 18 to possibly 21

Height: 4'5''

Species: Mightyena

Gender: Male

Weight: 125 lbs

Eye Color: Red

So that's some information I hope that will suffice if anyone was wondering about specific details about the characters. I hope you all will stick around for part two and you know I update rather quickly if you've been watching me update. Anyway this is something I planned on doing a while ago but then I was like "Nah, i'll wait 'til we get more of the characters in. Hope you see you guys later and peace!

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