chapter 8

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Chapter 8: Kindling Affection

Author's Note: Hey guys what is up I am back with the newest chapter of Midnight Hound. All I have to say for this chapter is that there is something that you all (I think) have been waiting for since the way beginning of the story. But I won't tell you yet. (Once Again, The Write Life.)Also this chapter is less violent somewhat I guess. Anyway I hope you all enjoy the latest chapter!

Disclaimer(My jee I gotta start using this more before I get sued or some shit): Pokemon belongs to the awesome people at Game Freak. I only own my characters. Ya know? No sueing please.

Morning Coming...

With more allies on their side, Dusk, Ray, and Silver continued forward on their way. Brawl eventually informed all of his friends to try and watch over them. Dusk knew already of the promise he made, he only needed to figure out how he was going to get everyone with them, it was obvious that a full migration would attract too much attention, it may have been possible for there to have to be a confrontation with the Aggron ruler of the land, but for now he would have to wait for word from the Machoke, Brawl.

Brawl watched over the three carefully since he partnered with the hound, observing the relationships over the past few hours. He could tell Ray was something like a little buddy or brother to Dusk. As for Silver, Brawl felt that the two were very awkward around each other. The two barely talked unless there was something having to do with some new information, but they were tense around each other for some reason.

Anyway, now on high alert. Hostile pokemon would attack them from left to right, but the lot of them weren't really too challenging to face because they were noobs basically. Eventually would come the time where these enemies were sent in hoards and even stronger fighters would appear, none of them were near the power of Brawl but still having to face all of them at the same time would mean trouble, even for Dusk and his crew...

Right on the trail of Dusk and his fellow canine's two pokemon were coming their way ready to kill, these intruders were really making them work around the clock. They barely got any sleep over this so that was an extra reason to be pissed.

Brawl for now already knew what was happening but as of the chance that something could go wrong, he tried to interfere as little as possible. They would just have to see it coming..

Ray kept looking back and forth, keeping his ears trained on a sound and barely focusing on anything else. Dusk took notice to this but he didn't mind it for now.

Dusk looked towards Silver for probably the third time since they continued their travel. The thought of Ruth actually taking her away almost drove Dusk mad. He looked down, deep in thought, no. He wouldn't actually believe that and kept his cool...

...and as soon his guard went down... (Sorry if I describe this terribly...)

The ground was ripped under the whole group like a sinkhole was forming beneath their feet. But then a huge metallic form tore its way from under them knocking into the three of their bodies hard.

Dusk, Silver and Ray all have fell to the ground with audible thuds, none of them were seriously hurt. They looked at the place where the ground collapsed only to find a Steelix in its place. Dusk and Silver quickly got up to their feet, but Ray was not as sturdy to take on full edge ground attacks like that and found himself unable to get on his feet like the other two.

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