chapter 8

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Author's Note: Hey everybody i'm glad you could join me here for the next installment of Midnight Hound! So nothing about this chapter is really all that but for the most part you'll have to read and find out on your own! (Living the Write Life.) All I have to say is that there is a shortage of Silver in this chapter so sorry for any fans of the wolf pokemon. Anyway, with that out of the way let us continue the story…

By midnight the trio of friends continued their travel for a few hours making pretty good time, even if they only covered about eight percent of the distance. Of course Ruth and his baddies were in pursuit, who Dusk and the gang still had mostly no clue about, for now that is…

That Machoke still clouded Dusk's mind, it wasn't even fully evolved yet he was the most powerful foe he has ever faced, his head filled with many questions about him.

"Silver, Dusk i'm hungryyyyy…" Whined Ray as his stomach growled painfully.

Dusk and Silver were actually pretty hungry themselves at the moment, maybe it was time to find some food around, but then again the hours they have spent traveling through here they have not seen one morsel of food around here, and of course killing another pokemon would mean others would be on them in minutes.

Silver was stumped about what to do knowing it wasn't safe for the group to be lingering in one place for too long, she looked to Dusk to see if he had any ideas. She was right to anyway, Dusk would probably have more luck finding something and he already had a plan, though simple.

"Alright...I guess i'll go searching for anywhere food maybe hidden. Silver, since you specialize in rocks you could probably carve out a new, hopefully unrecognizable cave." Dusk suggested, looking around the strange cliffs surrounding them, they seemed to be made of fluorite, if it weren't for the situation they would have noticed it before as it is a beautiful mineral, but also one of the hardest.

Silver nodded with a confident smile. "Don't worry, we'll be ready when you come back. Good luck." She hesitantly gave him a nudge before getting to work calling Ray over. (Yeah, yeah I know you wanted it since Chapter 4, but i'm a very cruel person you see.) Dusk set off for his task as well, knowing that he would be a while as it already was.

Silver gave a look to the mineral, she could tell by a sniff that it was a generally strong and hard material, while nice to look at it also concealed light pretty well. Sharpening her claws, she got right to work breaking apart the mineral, weakening the wall enough for her to use moves like Stone Edge to start carving out the edges…

Ray of course was quickly bored with waiting as Silver made quick work of making the cave, it was merely a forty minute wait until she was done carving out a big enough space for the three canines to sleep in, she kept a few big scrap pieces of fluorite so she could make a seal for a door whenever she needed to, which was actually to come in handy pretty soon.

"Alright brother, i'm going to look around for a few to make sure nobody's around stalking after us, just stay in here. I plan to seal the cave so no one will bother you. Am I clear?"

"But that's not fair! I want to help to!"

Silver sighed trying to find some way to calm her eager brother. "Ray this isn't a game this time, you're a bit too young to understand this fully." She said before walking out of the cave using her uhm, earth bending powers to seal the cave off with the other pieces of fluorite from before, leaving Ray in the darkness. Did she seriously just said he was too young to understand, boy.

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