Chapter 4

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Hadley, Mal and Evie walked into a dorm causing Hadley and Mal to be disgusted by the color and how light it was. Wow. This place is so amaz... Mal cut her of saying, Gross. I know, right? Amazingly gross.
Evie said.

Disgusting, Ugh! I'm going to need some serious sunscreen. Hadley said. Evie said, Yeah. Mal said to Evie and Hadley, E. H. She pointed to the windows and the three closed them soon making Mal say, Whew! That is much better.

In Carlos and Jay's dorm, Carlos was playing a game while Jay was unloading the things he stole. Carlos yelled, Whoo! Whoa! Ah! Whoa! Jay, what are you doing? Hadley asked. Jay said, It's called stealing.
Mal asked, Okay, what's the point? Well, Mal, It's like buying whatever I want, except It's free. Jay said.

Okay. So, you could do that, or you could leave all of this here and pick it up when we take over the world. Hadley said crushing her fist as her hair was soon on fire. Evie said, You sound just like your dad. She's right Hadie. Mal said and Hadley said as her hair stopped, Thank you. You do it your way and I'll do it mine. Jay said.

Carlos said, Die, suckers! Jay, come check this thing out. Man, It's awesome. Jay took the controllers and began to play. Guys! Do I have to remind you what we're all here for? Hadley said. Jay said, getting Hadley mad, which is a bad idea, Fairy Godmother, blah, blah, blah. Magic wand, blah, blah, blah.
Mal said, This is our one chance to prove ourselves to our parents. To prove that we are evil and vicious and ruthless and cruel. Yeah? The three said, Yeah.

Evie, the mirror. Hadley said and Evie replied saying, Mirror, mirror on the... in my hand, where is fairy godmother's wand... stand? Mal said, There it is! Zoom out. Hadley asked and Evie said, Magic mirror, not so close. Closer. Closer. Closer.

Carlos asked, Can I go back to my game? I'm on level three. Mal said, Stop! It's in a museum. Do we know where that is? Carlos said, 2.3 Miles from here. Come on. Carlos! Hadley yelled her hair on fire. Carlos said, Coming!

They arrived at The Museum of Cultural History which held the wand there. Come on. Check your mirror. Mal said. Evie said, Is my mascara smudged? Hadley said, Yeah. And, hey, while you're at it, why don't you see If you can find us the wand? Sure. This way. Evie said.

That's your mother's spinning wheel? Jay asked and Carlos said, Yeah, It's kinda dorky. Mal said, It's magic. It doesn't have to look scary. "Magic spindle, do not linger. Make my victim prick a finger." Jay said, Impressive. Carlos said, I got chills.

Hadley annoyed said, Okay, you know what? She got her ember and said, "Prick the finger, prick it deep. Send my enemy off to sleep." The Man touched it making him soon sleep and Mal gave her a high five
as she said, Not so dorky now, huh? Mal tried to open the door but Jay soon said, Stand back.

Mal said, "Make it easy, make it quick, open up without a kick." Very fast soon opening the doors as Jay went to kick them open. Ahh! He yelled. Nice job. Hadley said sarcastically and Mal said, Coming?
Carlos helped Jay up saying, Come on, Jay. I'm good.
He said and Carlos said, Just trying to help.

Shh. Carlos! Mal said and Carlos said, Coming. Evie said, So close. Upstairs. Come on. Go, go, go, go. Up, up, up, up, up. Hadley said. Come on, guys. Almost there. Evie said and they soon found where it showed the villains.

The front was Maleficent and Hades. Daddy? Hadley said and his had souls around him with his hair on fire and him with his ember. Mommy? Evie said.
Jay said, Killer. Carlos said, I will never forget mother's day again. Jay said, Well, the wand's not here. Let's bounce. Let's go.

Evie said, Hey, I found the wand. Let's go. To Mal who was still in the villains area. Here it is. Jay yelled, Whoo! Hadley said, Jay, don't! Wait, no! No! Don't! Ah! Carlos asked, A force field and a siren? Jay said, That's just a little excessive. Great job you idiot! Hadley said and Mal said, Let's go! Evie said, Hurry. Mal said, Come on.

Carlos answered the ringing phone saying, Hello? Uh, uh, just give me one second. One second. Uh, yeah, yeah. No, false alarm. It was a malfunction in the, uh, in the 714 chip in the breadboard circuit. Yeah. Okay. Say hi to the missus.
Carlos! Mal said and Carlos said, You're welcome. Hadley said annoyed, Way to go, Jay. Now we have to go to school tomorrow.

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