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•Fubuki Shirou Sent you a friend request•


•You accepted his friend request•


I'm so sorry for Accepting your friend request late...

Don't worry it's alright :)

Even so!,I was super busy with Homework that i forgot to check my Facebook,And messenger account :<

No worries,I understand.And thank you for Accepting My friend request it means a lot to me ^^

No problem! :3,I was happy to accept it,Anyways how are you?

Good.How about you?

Also good!,I'm planning on visiting you guys in two weeks :3

Really?That's glad to hear,Me and the other's can't wait to finally see you after a while of chatting

Hahaha,I know Good thing Inamori introduced me to you guys

I could say the same,I hate to end this conversation but we have practice in a few mins,I'll chat you when practice is done,Sounds good?

Ohhh,Ok! Goodluck in practice,Bye~!

[Name]'s POV
After that short conversation me and shirou had,I gently placed my phone down on my [Favorite color]nightstand.Then I stood up from my bed and went downstairs to have breakfast.

I was greeted by my maids,Which where Bea and Hanna,Who were cleaning some dishes that were probably left by mother and father,After all they Wake up and leave pretty early for Work.

"Morning [Name]-Chan"They both said in unison,Making me smile and greet back Taking a seat at the dining table

"What's for breakfast?"

"Waffles With Chocolate and ice cream"Hanna said Giving me a soft smile,I then inhaled the scent of the waffles with chocolate and ice cream

"Mhmmm!,My favorite~!"I said in delight,Taking my first bite.Dang It felt like heaven~


Author's POV
It was now night time,[Name] had already finished her night routine.And she was already laying on her bed scrolling Through her phone while suddenly

|Asuto Inamori wants to start a video chat with you|

You smiled to yourself and gladly answered it wholeheartedly,The video chat showed Inamori with his usual Charming smile--While Kazemaru and Kidou were at the back of him talking about something

"Hey [Name]-Chan!!"

"Hi inamori~,How life?"I said with my usual Tone

(Me:Life's actually killing me--thank you very much--)

He chuckled a little"Fine,What about you?How's life treating you?"


Inamori then Turned the camera to kazemaru and kidou

"Look you two it's [Name]!"He said in which Kidou and Kazemaru quickly turned their heads to the phone,Kazemaru Gave a small wave followed by a closed eyed smile,While kidou smirked a little.You smiled at The two of then Returning the small wave

Then there was tatsuya and shirou who were walking by,Probably talking about some random stuff.Of course this is inamori--He ran up to the two of them And pulled out his phone infront of the two's faces,Making Them Jump back a little

"Uhmm...you didn't have to to that inamori"You Sweatdropped at your Energetic friend.

Tatsuya,And shirou just smiled

"Oh shirou Sorry for Accepting you're friend request late,Again"

"As i said [Name]-chan,No worries it's fine with me"Ahh this boy giving one of his Charming yet cute smiles,That made your heart melt.

Then again you realized something--You forgot that You were being homeschooled,And You only have 5 mins to get ready and go downstairs to meet up with your private tutor in the livingroom.hehehe you're doomed

"Oh Crap!,Sorry inamori,Tatsuya,Shirou bit i gotta go.Talk to you guys later bye~!"With that you ended the video chat and quickly Changed your clothes and rushed downstairs,Only to be greeted by your grumpy teacher


"Oh [Beep],I'm dead..."

"Ms.[Last name],What's your excuse?"She said Looking scary as hell while holding a stick,Making me gulp and shake in fear

"O-oh hehehe,Long story short..."

Sorry if it wasn't what you would have expected ;-;,I had no ideas right now,So I'm sorry but please don't forget to leave a vote and a comment!,And as always who would you like to see next on the following chapters?comment down below.And lastly...


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