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Nora one:

It was Monday morning in hiddenville,the sun was shining,birds were chirping and every thing was right with the world,in one important household the former residence of Phoebe and Max Thunderman ,the newly crowned protectors of Hiddenville Nora and Billy had awoken from their slumber and got dressed for school as they rushed downstairs and sat around the breakfast table their mom the retired superhero Electris was rambling on about how proud she was of her "babies" especially after how they performed on their first official save Saturday but more so for them growing up.Then their dad Hank also known as Thunderman had just rushed in from his morning jog and while we was tired and sweaty he told his family that he had great news.It would seem as if Mrs. Wong and her family were moving out and that very day the Thundermans would be getting new neighbors.This information brought great joy to all the individuals seated at the table with the kids even cheering and breaking out into dance moves which was becoming quite common in the Thunderman household.A knock on the door interrupted the cheering and when Hank answered it he found a familiar faces waiting for him in Bob Parr better known as the former superhero Mr. Incredible alongside his wife Helen Parr the Elastiwoman and their two super-powered sons Dash with his speed and jack-jack who had just had his growth spurt and was adjusting to having three powers in his ability to generate electricity,release laser beams and shape-shift in ways some famous heroes could not even pull off. Seeing his old friend Nora and Billy watched as their dad pulled Bob into a super-powered hug which thankfully Bob was able to handle as they both shared super strength,similarly Electris and Elastiwoman gave each other hugs and began to have an animated discussion on, whatever it is two retired female superheroes who were married to super strong men and had super powered children,would have an animated discussion on.In the meantime Dash and Billie were having a super fast conversation that only the both of them would understand which was beginning to annoy Nora because for whatever reason she wanted to talk to Dash as well as she was his friend to back in Metroburg ,she sighed and after looking back at Nora and Jack-Jack who seemed to be getting along swimmingly she promptly and loudly announced that they had to get to school causing the two speedsters to finally talk at a normal pace.Upon Nora uttering these words Doctor Babu knocked on the door stating it was time for a super check-up since a new disease seems to be infecting random superheroes worldwide,knowing how dangerous this could be the Thundermans and Parrs were happy to be vaccinated but apparently their was no vaccination all that could be done for now was to test who had the virus and thus Dr. Babu instructed his new assistant a beautiful young woman with golden blonde hair and a skinny frame named Kara to take blood samples from all the heroes present which she did at a remarkably fast pace saying she had to get to her other job as the school nurse at Hiddenville Middle school since she to was moving there.This piece of information reminded the kids that they had to get to school thus Dash sped home got his bag and was off to school alongside Billy and Nora.The walk to school was mostly boring with only a few surprises such as the Thunderkids finding out that Dash's sister was an agent of a secret organization known as S.H.I.E.L.D and dash finding out that Phoebe and Max were the leaders of the T-force and had found an alien,of course as the children of superheroes they knew that they had to keep these things a secret and probably should not even be talking about them but no one's around so who cares.They did change the conversation when they arrived at school,but they also managed to sneak in a smile at Kara when they passed her in the hallway and she smiled back before heading to her office where she made a phone call to a friend informing him that it was time and just like that a strange man in a cloak materialized out of darkness alongside Dr. Babu who seemed to be terrified,bringing a smile to Kara's face she simply whispered in his ear "thank you Doctor" before choking the life out of him and informing Cloak to take him into the darkness which the strange man seemed happy to do,she then opened the container containing the vials of superhuman blood and smiled to herself with two words being at the forefront of her mind "Hail Hydra."


This is a short chapter I know but i wanted to pop back in with billy nora and chole as we prepare for them to evolve and become stronger thank you for reading and please add to reading list vote and comment plz but most importantly keep reading it encourages me to continue.

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