We are the Crystal Gems

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Doctor Strange one:

Stephen Strange was currently meditating in his room within the T-force base,the room filled to the brim with a number of books containing information on a number of topics such as the real history of the world,magical being and creatures,spells,curses,enchantments as well as enchanted weapons.Stephen enjoyed learning about the full capabilities of magic as there was so much to discover and his former teacher did not give him all the information wanted despite the fact that he was “easily the most talented and gifted student she had ever instructed” his words of course but he was rarely wrong and they was rarely any spell he could not handle.He was so talented that he was even able to craft an enchantment and place on a necklace with a green alien gemstone that Starfire wore around her neck that would allow her to appear human to anyone as long as she wore it.However Starfire while thankful for the gift still insisted and preferred to be in true Tamaranian form and even elected to not wear the necklace while on missions.The alien was strange even for Stephen who was of course an expert in the field,but it did not matter as Stephen spent most of his time alone in his room learning and increasing his magical capabilities despite the continued interruption of Spider-man who claims to be bored at the base and keeps rambling on about his ex-girlfriend who he left to protect New York. Stephen was about to kick the young man out when a mission alert came from their leaders Max and Phoebe Thunderman who have proved themselves surprisingly capable however Max still underestimates Strange‘s magical capabilities.Stephen could not wait until the time would come where he had to reveal to Max that his own sister had a capacity for magic within her but for now he would focus on the mission.After suiting up and heading to the briefing room alongside Spider-Man,Strange became interested in this mission after Shuri used the holopad to display the objective of the mission which was to capture and subdue what seemed to be a monster but it was unlike any Stephen had seen or read about over the course of his training.The T-force mobilized and headed to an Egyptian desert where an incredibly large green centipede that towered above houses and was leaking a dangerous acid was destroying a town.Wasting no time the T-force sprung into action Spider-man clearing out civilians while Captain Marvel and Starfire fired blasts of energy at the gargantuan beast which appeared to be slowing it down but it quickly recovered releasing a string of acid which damaged the two energized females who began to loose strength and fall from the sky, before they were thankfully caught by the Thunder Twins who began to push the monster back with their telekinesis so that Dr. Strange could restore his fallen teammates to full strength with his healing spells.Unfortunately, Shuri who was helping Spider-Man evacuate the town informed the team through their communication link that they had a new problem which was smaller versions of the monster now dubbed Centipeedle by Spider-man were popping up as well and their acid was powerful enough to destroy Spider-man’s webs and their shells were protecting them from the energy being released from Shuri’s panther gauntlets.Sighing Phoebe and Max hit the main Centipeedle with a combined concussive blast right at the moment that Strange had finished restoring Starfire and Captain Marvel allowing to summon magical whip like constructs to restrain the monster but it was preparing to release a large concentration of acid when three new figures entered the fray striking the main monster down by using a direct hit from a gauntlet followed quickly by strikes from a whip and the slash of a spear causing the bug to vanish in a poof of smoke leaving only a round object in it’s place which was picked up by the tall gauntlet wielding multicoloured woman who turned to Phoebe and Max and said that she appreciated the help but they should leave this kind of stuff to the professionals when a small boy who could be no more that thirteen years old and was glowing pink from the tips of his curly hair and down through his skin which was covered by a pink jacket,a blue shirt with a star and short silver jeans arrived.The arrival of the boy confused most of the T-force but Strange sensed incredible magic radiating of the boy even more that what he felt from the other three figures.Moreover,within seconds Shuri announced that the mini monsters had all just glowed pink before calming down and disappearing in a poof.After making this statement Strange then watched as a string of green lights rose from the village and into the orb that was formerly the monster,once all the light had been absorbed ,the boy stopped glowing and then created a small bubble to contain the monster’s orb and tapped the top causing it to vanish in a flash of pink light.Max walked up to them and asked who they were and in unison they responded “We are the Crystal Gems”.Realization struck Doctor strange as he remembered reading about the exploits of the Crystal gems back at the Sanctum Sanatorium they were members of a magical species thought to inhabit an alien planet that wanted to conquer and rule Earth but thankfully the Crystal Gems rebelled against them and saved the planet from destruction however it was said that they were wiped out shortly after and no one had seen a gem for more than a thousand years.Stephen, seizing the opportunity to display his knowledge and intellect of course immediately pointed this information out causing the apparent leader known as Garnet to reveal that almost all the crystal gems were wiped out and the few that exist currently mostly keep to their selves unless an incident such as the one from today occurs the white,elegant and graceful fighter known as Pearl interjected. “OK! we saved the day,lets head out now.” the short purple gem named Amethyst reminded the others and with a whistle from the boy known as Steven, a roar was heard from a distant and a pink portal appeared which the gems all vanished through leaving the t-force in a state of shock.Thankfully Strange having picked up on their magical energy enacted a plan to follow and find the gems being followed and joined by Phoebe and Spider-Man.Despite being joined by his annoying teammates Strange was able to track the energy and arrive at a temple where the Crystal gems were discussing their next move,Phoebe being ever responsible knocked on the door which was answered by a girl seemingly the same age as Steven she introduced herself as Connie and said that Garnet had a feeling it would be you.Garnet welcomed them causing Strange to ask how she knew it was them and she responded “trade secret Stephen” “you know my name as well?” he continued asking “of course I was friends with The Ancient One after all” Strange perked up at the mention of his old teacher beginning to wonder why the woman told him nothing about her interaction with the crystal gems.Garnet however said that it was not the time to discuss this as she sensed that a large number of corrupted gems have become active. “Corrupted ?” Spider-man wondered aloud “Gems?” Phoebe finished for the other superhero. “Yes” Steven explained that the reason most of the crystal gems were wiped out is because of a combined magical attack from powerful being that corrupted and destabilized them however his mother “Pi…” he paused and sighed “Rose Quartz” his mother was able to protect herself and two others and over the years they formed this group compromising of the seven gems,one magical lion and human girl as well as Steven himself that “you see before you today.”Jasper a tall seemingly powerful and intimidating orange gem then said “If your done with the history lesson we have business to do”, Garnet agreed splitting the group into teams with Phoebe going alongside Garnet and Jasper to a desert where a large number of corrupted quartz gems were gathering while Spider-man headed to a secret arena magically hidden in the sky alongside Pearl and Amethyst and Strange went to an island in the Bermuda Triangle to assist Steven and Connie in the defeat of a giant bird like gem that was terrorizing the residents of the island.Upon arriving to their destination Strange was in awe at what he saw apparently the Isle was entirely populated by race of beings resembling Steven but made completely out of watermelons,furthermore it seemed that all the animals on the island had a similar origin and that they had all been created on accident by Steven when he had first started tapping into his true magical potential.Impressed that a small boy could pull this off,Stephen almost forgot about the corrupted gem,but Steven and Connie did not and they quickly took action upon spotting the bird Strange beginning to float and already preparing to lift them asked the children if they had a plan to reach the bird,what he did not expect was Steven to reply that “he had a thought” and Connie to smirk before saying “it might alarm to you” and with a clasp of their hands and a flash of light the children fused into a singular being.strange audibly gasped only able to wonder aloud “how” and the new being calmly responded “Flexibility,Love and Trust” before jumping high up into the air and with one slash from the sword that Connie had brought the bird was destroyed splitting into a multitude of smaller birds that surrounded the fusion preparing to attack but a pink glow began to emanate from the fusion’s gemstone and their aura quickly overtook the beasts causing them to merge once more only to once again be struck down this time reverting to its gemstone before being bubbled and sent back to the temple.With the job being done and a poof Steven and Connie returned causing Dr. Strange to ask what or who was that and the pair of kids responded “that was fusion and they were Stevonnie” Returning to the Crystal gems home base it dawned on Strange that despite all his knowledge and experience their were things in the universe that even he would not be able to understand or know about but he vowed to himself that he would learn as much as he can so that nothing could ever truly threaten him or rival his power.Garnet after having discussed it with Phoebe had decided that since the corrupted gems were posing more and more of a threat to human life that perhaps they should begin working with the organization of shield to help track,defeat and contain the corrupted which made Steven happy since it meant he would get to meet more superheroes.However as they were getting ready to leave Stephen asked Garnet what she knew about The Ancient One with the thousand year old gem saying this “she was powerful,that much is true ,she is wise beyond her years of course but most importantly Stephen she understood something that you seem to be struggling with.” “I don’t struggle with much” Stephen quickly retorted. Garnet sighed and took a breath “Life is an experience Stephen,make it a good experience,not just for yourself but everyone else around you as well.” The gem then walked off to discuss induction of the crystal gems into S.H.I.E.L.D with Phoebe and Steve Rogers.After the discussion Mr. Rogers returned to his quarters to find a man lying shirtless on his bed smirking “It would seem that the Scarlet Witch’s magic worked to perfection” the man said “yes Tony and with the crystal gems on our side we will have no trouble tracking down the remaining corrupted gems” Steve Rogers replied while removing his costume. “Our plans are all coming together.” Tony added.”It would seem so,Hail Hydra” Steve smirked. “Hail Hydra indeed captain” Tony responded returning the smirk with a knowing and pleased look.
End of Chapter Three.
And now a message from the author.
It was a day late but this was the longest chapter and my favourite one so far.I introduced the gems to add in the fantasy/sci-fi element present in many superhero stories plus I wanted to show off Doctor Strange and his ego which is a major character trait for him and learning to overcome it will be challenging for him but it only gets crazier from here so behold the insane weird story-lines that my brain comes up with.Also my friend’s birthday is this week so I may not be able to upload a new chapter next week but I will try my best.Anyways keep reading,adding the story to your lists and library and voting also any feedback is appreciated and any questions just ask.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2019 ⏰

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