Chapter Thirty Four: Plans

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Disclaimer: I own nothing here, and I'd be much too frightened to tease a senator.

Point of Light

AN: I simply MUST give a shoutout to my current favorite youtubers, Girls With Sabers (Emrys and Luthien) for pointing out the possible connection between Reylo and that Rumi poem about the field, it is something this chapter was heavily influenced by. If you haven't heard about it, just google "Rumi field poem Reylo". (And then go give Girls With Sabers a listen, they are awesome!)

Also, also! There will be major spoilers for Star Wars Rebels in Chapter 35, so if you don't want to be spoiled, go finish Rebels now! You have been warned a month in advance!

Anyway, enjoy chapter 34! Chapter 35 is not finished, but will hopefully be up 9-7-19.

Chapter Thirty Four – Plans


Dappled sunlight and lively birdsong met Ben's dreamworld awareness as he found himself standing at the center of what appeared to be a jungle, with its canopy of leafy trees and humid air. He was quick to realize two things. One, his surroundings looked familiar, reminding him of Takodana. Two, he could feel Rey's presence in the dream, though she was not beside him or within sight.

He set out through the thick foliage to find her. He was instinctively drawn to an opening in the trees, where he could see the hint of a field with rich, green grass and peaceful rolling hills.

After ridding himself of the cumbersome, stifling underbrush, he honed in on the lone figure at the crest of that grand, emerald meadow. Rey stood there, eyes closed, face aimed towards the sun, as if she were absorbing its warmth. She looked completely immersed in the thriving environment around her, from the gentle breeze, to the sounds of the wildlife and the rushing of a river somewhere nearby. She seemed unaware of his approach until he drew beside her.

She wasn't. She opened her hazel eyes and turned to him with a relaxed, content smile, having known he was there all along. "Takodana," she murmured and made a sweeping gesture at the horizon, at the shining blue lake below and the endless green mountains beyond that. "My first steps into such a larger world."

"My world," he replied softly. Despite being a dream, the vibrancy of the landscape around them only seemed to make her appear even more beautiful than ever. The golden sunshine against her face, the way her eyes danced with wonderment, that endearing grin as she reached her hand out to grasp his.

"I have good and bad memories here," she told him honestly, her expression falling as she turned back to gazing at the horizon. "Despite that..." She bit at her bottom lip in slight apprehension. "This place, it's strange, but it feels like..." She closed her eyes again briefly and Ben remained silent and patient until she turned her gaze back to him with another mild smile. "Home."

Ben made no reply and just continued to watch her brilliance, shining as if she were finally swathed within her very own element. He blinked slowly, thinking about her words. He hadn't really considered any one planet his home anymore. Though he supposed wherever Rey was at any given time was home for him. She was home.

"Can we..." She hesitated again, her fluid topaz orbs peering up at him, hopeful. "After the war, after all the madness," she said, making dismissive gestures with her free hand. "Can we live here?"

Ben felt his breath hitch at the sight of her charming, radiant smile. In that moment he realized he could deny her absolutely nothing. Even though he no longer clung to the prospects of his vision, even though their futures were incomprehensible, even though the very fabric of the galaxy might be rent in two, he found himself nodding. "Where you go, I will follow."

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