Epilogue Part One: Purpose

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Disclaimer: I own nothing here, but unconditional love is central to a Jedi's life.

Point of Light

AN: I decided to challenge myself and write a theme that I think most people try to skip over. It might feel a little awkward but I think I keep things vague enough.

Epilogue Part One: Purpose

Ben stood with his arms crossed, leaning against one of the consoles in the Falcon's main hold. He watched with a barely concealed concern as his wife marched right passed him for probably the tenth time in her determined circuits through the ship's looping corridor. The pale overhead lights flickered dubiously, as if in direct response to Rey's current temperament.

Ben sighed in frustration. Their argument some twenty minutes prior had not gone well. He had been working on clearing out a clogged shaft in the ventilation system at the time, compliments of a former Porg resident, when Rey had stumbled into his view, claiming with a frantic look that "it was time".

He would admit to not having extracted himself from the maintenance hatch with any sort of grace. His head still stung from when he banged it on that blasted utility tray in his haste to join her in the corridor in order to place a careful hand to her round abdomen. He would also admit that surviving the past nine months of his wife's pregnancy had not been particularly easy, especially since she insisted on doing everything the "natural" way.

Ben thought he had been patient and yielding up until now, but he had hoped once the time for delivery arrived that she would at least agree to go to a proper medical facility. He had been wrong.

He felt another twinge of irritation as Rey, in all her determined stubbornness, passed by him again. "Shouldn't you lie down, or at least be sitting still?"

"No, that doesn't feel right," Rey answered hastily, not slowing her purposeful stride. "I need to keep moving."

Ben rolled his eyes and had to wait for her to loop back around to him. "Remind me again why I can't take you to a medcenter?"

She finally paused long enough to sigh out her own frustrations at him. "I told you. I don't need a bunch of people hovering around me, poking and prodding me with needles." She waved a bothered hand and turned back to her pacing through the ship. "Besides, humans have been having babies for millions of years. I think I'll be fine."

Grumbling with annoyance, Ben moved to fish through the medical supplies that he had previously laid out and disinfected. After finding the desired stim, he stepped over to intercept her newest circuit, causing her to halt and glare at him with all her pregnant fury. "Will you at least take a pain suppressor?" He said and held it up, as if it were a peace offering. He would not put it past her at this point to simply shove his mass out of her way. "It would make me feel better, if nothing else."

Huffing at him, she held out a hand and nodded impatiently. "Alright, fine, give it here. Heaven forbid you should feel any discomfort in this situation." After administering the drug she pushed passed him and continued with her pointless trek. "Now will you go outside or something?"

"You want me... to go outside?" Ben questioned carefully, thinking he hadn't heard her right. Of all the times she shouldn't be alone, wasn't it now?

"Yeah!" Rey snapped back, as if he had asked the most absurd question imaginable. She slowed her pace before rounding the corner, long enough to shoot over her shoulder, "you're stressing me out!"

"I'm stressing you out?" Ben nearly thundered, altogether incredulous.

"Don't make me tell you again!" Rey yelled back, having disappeared down the curving corridor once again.

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