Chapter Thirty Seven: Mercy

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Disclaimer: I own nothing here, but we'll figure it out, we'll use the Force!

Point of Light

AN: Short chapter is short. Anyway, I'm nearly done with chapter 38 so I should (hopefully) post that next Saturday. If not, then I'll shoot for 11-2-19 at the very least! Who's excited for the new trailer dropping on monday during the Patriots game? I know I am!

Chapter Thirty Seven – Mercy


In typical lock-down fashion, the doors to the Supremacy's bridge were sealed shut, with the access panel rejecting anything Ben might have tried to input. Not that it mattered. Sharing a silent nod, he ignited his weapon and Rey hers as they symmetrically cut their way through the durasteel doors, letting the melting metal slab fall to the floor behind them with a crash. They stowed their sabers with clipped efficiency and a bolstered confidence as they stepped forth to claim victory.

Their first steps into the expansive chamber was met by a volley of blaster fire from a semi-circle of troopers. Ben raised one hand and froze every single bolt in mid air while Rey made an inward sweeping motion with her left hand, snatching every blaster out of the squad's grasp and then made a flicking gesture with her right, sending the troopers flying simultaneously into walls and panels with startled cries and shouts.

Together, Rey and Ben moved forward as if sharing one mind, one goal. Weaving around the red, crackling bolts of plasma, they walked with authority towards the catwalk, where Hux and Peavey stood, above the data pits. Aside from the groaning of injured soldiers, a dead silence had overtaken the bridge as all eyes were trained on the Force users.

Ben was not concerned with the officers and technicians below, but had his glare trained on the two men practically trembling with terror before him. The captain, at least had enough self preserving instincts to begin inching back from Hux, beads of sweat rolling down his face despite his stoic expression. Ben knew Peavey's thoughts well enough by now that although he chafed at taking orders from a younger leader, he would at least obey whoever held his leash.

Hux, on the other hand, knew he had been cornered by his own designs. And like any rabid cur having turned on its master, he was not about to be put down without snarling and snapping to the last breath. "How are you still alive?" the general raved, his face lighting up with fury as he gestured at the wide viewport. "I watched your ship disintegrate!"

"Your eyes can deceive you, General," Ben jeered with a sadistic smirk, his steps looming ever closer. "You shouldn't trust them."

With his jaw tensing with a stubborn defiance, Hux made one final gambit for the blaster at his hip, but his arm seized up halfway there and he was promptly pulled across the catwalk until his throat met with Ben's grip. "Oh yes," the dark warrior hissed with satisfaction. "Please give me a reason to defend myself."

"Ben," Rey started gently, her voice holding a note of warning and concern as she stepped closer.

Scrabbling at his suffocating hold, Hux still managed to growl his utter contempt, his hate-filled gaze flicking between Ben and Rey. "Sorcerer scum!" he wheezed and writhed with rage. "I would have the galaxy rid of you!"

Ben made no indication that he heard Rey's intervention, tipping his head as if mildly interested in his squirming captive's declaration. "We'll see about that." Turning, he thrust Hux across the chamber, right into the line of fire where the wildly surging blaster bolts still hung suspended in the air. Finally, he would have his revenge for the plot that had nearly taken Rey's life.

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