Chapter Thirty Eight: Peace

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Disclaimer: I own nothing here, but how many do we need?

Point of Light

AN: Longest chapter ever, but this is essentially the ending, so... you're welcome? (I still have two short-epilogue-bonus-type chapters on the way though!) I actually cried while writing Ben's point of view in this chapter... Lord, if I'm crying now, how in the world will I hold up during the movie? Force be with me... I am far too emotionally attached to these characters. T-T

Chapter Thirty Eight – Peace

Twin shards of blue crystal sparkled in the palm of Rey's hand as she stared down at them, contemplating the last remnants of Luke's old kyber and how they had somehow flown to her after the pendent had detonated. In that moment, she had called for Ben, willing him to her from across the hangar, yet the shards had found their way to her all the same. Found their way home.

"Want me to build another detonator with them?" Ben's deep voice pulled her from her thoughts and she turned to see him across their shared quarters, fastening his new black, formal suit.

Prior to attending a ceasefire celebration with the Resistance, hosted by the Mawan king himself, they had accepted the offer to use the Mawan palace accommodations to prepare. Dual suns spilled their reddish-yellow morning light through one of the chamber's windows, giving Ben's smirking face a golden touch. "The last one proved useful."

"Not a chance!" Rey huffed and turned back to her project on the table, where two clear capsules were crudely fitted with separate, red cords. "These pieces came to me for a reason. I'm not letting you turn them into another bomb." After carefully sliding the two tiny prisms into their new casings, she crossed over to meet him in the warm sunlight, her own white attire flaring as she moved.

"These are Luke's legacy," she said as she reached to grasp his right hand and proceeded to fasten one of the capsules to his wrist. She handed the other to him and raised her own right wrist expectantly, meeting his gaze with an intent solemnity. "We'll carry it together."

"Are you sure this is what you want? Last chance to back out," Ben murmured with a dry humor even as he clipped the binding together. Not waiting for a reply, he leaned down to press his forehead to hers fondly, both of them basking in a silent, shared affection for a brief moment. "It's a heavy burden," he added belatedly and looked away, his mood darkening. "One I couldn't carry alone."

Rey wasn't having it. "You don't have to anymore." Placing a hand on his scarred cheek, she gently guided his gaze back to her. "I won't leave you for anything, Ben. Not for a war and not for a name." She pulled him in for a fleeting kiss and offered a contented grin, one that she only ever offered to him. "I'm stuck with you forever."

He smiled back, a spark of mischief glinting behind his dark garnets. "How will you ever manage to put up with me for so long?"

"Well first of all," Rey huffed at him with a pout. "I'll have to train you to respond to a vow properly." She gave him a playful prod in the ribs, making him grunt and lean back to her obediently, then gave his nose a nudge with her own in supplication. "I need to hear you say it."

Ben huffed back at her, his eyes mating with hers intently as their foreheads touched again. "Until the Force claims my life, I am yours, body and soul." Clasping his bound hand with hers, he brought them up and kissed her knuckles tenderly. "That alone will not change, even if the galaxy around us does."

The palace halls were buzzing with lively conversation as servants, royal officials and guests roved about in anticipation for the festivities. Rey's curled grasp around the crook of Ben's arm tightened considerably as he led her into the grand audience chamber. This was not her arena. The setting felt far too fancy and intimidating for her to feel comfortable, but she trusted her fiancé to guide her through the paces, to navigate the politics.

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