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2 Days Before New Years
3rd Person Omniscient
Lola has been on watch since Caitlyn showed up unexpectedly. She has been a little distant from Keenon as well because of the constant disrespect that his baby mother gives her. Caitlyn is still determined to get Keenon back so they can be the family they were supposed to be and she plans on doing anything to get it back.

"Slim man run me my 20 nigga!" i laughed.
"Hell nahh you cheating G."
"How i'm cheating, i clearly beat you homie. Now run me my $20 fo i up the price on yo ass." He threw a uno card at me and smacked his lips. I laughed and took my $20 from him. Lola came downstairs and went to the kitchen. When she came out, we looked at each other and she walked upstairs.
"So Lola still not talking to you G?"
"Hell no. Ion know what to do bruh."
"Look man ian no love expert or no shit but you need to be straight up wit her blood. That lying shit is why you in the predicament you in now."
"I haven't lied about nun else.I only lied about my baby mama coming."
"She don't know you slept at C house?" I was silent. "Look the less she know the better.So just apologize about the baby mama thing. You need to talk to C too."
"I know blood i know. I'm finna go upstairs and try to talk to her." I got up and went upstairs. When i got to the room, i heard music playing.
"Lo?" She turned around and looked at me. She was getting dressed to go to the beach. We were all going to the beach today because of an event or some shit.
"Can we talk?"
"Me and you" She turned around and leaned against the dresser.
"Look, ever since Caitlyn showed up, you been real distant. You won't look at me, talk to me, hug me nothing."
"Well if you would've told me the second you found out that she was coming, we wouldn't be here talking about this." I sighed.
"Cause i knew how you were going to act."
"Then why- never mind."
"Say it."
"Look all imma say is this. I only respect her because she is the mother of your child. That's it and that's all. However, it's hard to continue to respect her when she keeps disrespecting me and you feed into her bullshit. How am i supposed to continue to do this with you when you still in love with her?"
"I'm not in love with her."
"Then what is it then?!"
"She is just the mother of my child Lo. I love you and that's all that matters." She sighed and went into the bathroom. I followed behind her and grabbed her wrist. "Don't walk away from me. I'm tryin to fix this."
"In order for me and you to continue this relationship. You are going to have to set her straight and until you do our relationship is gonna continue to be a complete fuck up." She pulled away from me and fixed her hair. She put on her sandals and grabbed her beach stuff and left the room.
"Fuck." I rubbed my hand down my face. I went downstairs and saw everybody downstairs ready to go. I told everybody else to go without me and went back upstairs to roll a blunt.

We shortly arrived at the beach, and i went straight to the water. Harmony ran to me and i grabbed her hand. I took her into the water but not all the way. Only so that she could get her knees wet.
"What are yo doing?" I turned around and saw Caitlyn.
"Umm enjoying the water."
"Come here Harmony." Harmony went to her mama and she picked her up. She rolled her eyes at me and walked away. I shook my head and walked along the shore. Taking in the beauty and feeling the breeze on my skin. I took a few pictures of people and the sky and played with some of the kids. As I made my way back to Keenon's family, Keenon came up to me with a flower. It was a beautiful, peach/pink colored Begonia flower. I slightly grinned. He gave me the flower and kissed my forehead. I smelled the flower and smiled at the delightful smell. He turned me around and hugged me tight and kissed my neck.
"I'm sorry for fucking up our relationship Lo. I love and care about you deeply. I just wanna be happy with you again." He said to me. I just rubbed his arm and leaned against him. The festival began soon after and we danced together all night. Harmony joined us and we danced with her also. Everything was perfect, the way it should've been a while ago. I just hope that it stays this way.

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