Thank You ;u;

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Hey guys...

If you read the previous entry, you know that I was feeling upset.


It sort of escalated.

I ended up getting really angry to the point of tears and hiding in my room.

My mom chased after me but I just kept telling her to go away until I started hypervenalating.

My family is kind of screwed up right now, and being alone has always plagued me.

I guess I was just scared of being left by the best people I've ever known.

So, right now, I'm still in my room.

And, when I saw you're comments...

I-I felt so warmed.

I honestly have no words.

I'm still crying, but from happiness.

Cause I have all you amazing friends and followers.

And, so I've decided to rename you guys just once more.

As Embers, cause you've always been there to warm my heart.

I love each and every one of you so much...

I can't even express it enough.

And through original followers or new...

I'd gladly lay down my life for you each.

Thank you, one last time, just for being here.

For the reads, votes, comments.


It's made a difference.


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